Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

In the Jun family, the atmosphere at the scene was too warm, everyone shouted in unison, and the sound was particularly exciting.

After Jun Mohan said such a sentence, everyone seemed to see the hope of the empire.

Everyone believes that their empire will become better and better and more prosperous.

The people of the Empire still supported Jun Mohan very much.

Maybe some family members support Guoyong and the princes for their own benefit.

Perhaps there are some people in the same category as Hou Lichen who also support him.

There are also members of the middle school, who feels that they support the king.

There are also some powers cultivated by the monarchs ...

But since ancient times, it has always been a sentence.

Jun Shaojun Mo Han was totally popular with the people. Most people in the empire loved him and supported him.

Of course, everyone also transferred a lot of feelings for King Guoying and Queen to Jun Mohan.

And the more they look at Feng Sujin, the more they feel like a king.

Many people think of Queen Guoying, who is a true patriot and queen.

Everyone thinks about what Feng Sujin has done. It's all proud and loves the people.

When she was in Beiquan City before, she used her own strength to turn the tide and protected Beiquan City and protected so many people.

And she is as noble as a phoenix.

Prior to the press conference, Xia Sixuan fought back fiercely.

And she helped the southwest.

And today, under such circumstances, she does not forget to save others, regardless of her life ...

And she has always been with Jun Shao, and the two are inseparable ...

This is the truly noble woman.

Everyone even looked at Feng Sujin, and they all felt very beautiful.

The more I looked, the more I felt that Jun Shao and Madam Jun Shao were so good at each other, and they were so suitable to be kings and queens of the Empire.

Even the audience in front of the TV, many people stood up excitedly.

Some families hugged together, watching the live broadcast, crying, everyone was too happy, too excited.

There are more and more live broadcasts. Everyone is saying, "Support Jun Shao and Madam Jun Shao."

"Our King, our Queen."

"I seem to have seen the King and Queen of England again."


"Too excited, ah, everyone in our office is watching the live broadcast, our leaders are ignoring it, the whole company is watching, ah, ah, it is so contagious, I cried ..."

"Secretly, our leader, known for his indifference, just shed tears ..."

"It's so exciting to see Guoying Jun's son after so many years. If the king and queen of Guoying can see it, they will be pleased."


This wedding ceremony between Feng Sujin and Jun Mohan almost became a day for the whole people.

Perhaps no one else would have thought of it. It was a long time in the past, and when many people were old, they still clearly remember today, the turning day of the political changes in the Empire.

On this day, most people are happy, excited by a news.

No matter how long this mood is, everyone will never forget it.

Feng Sujin shook Jun Mohan's hand and really sweated.

When Jun Mohan said of his life, she was still nervous.

But when she saw so many people at the scene, they were all excited, even crying in tears, saying yes, supporting them, and finally seeing Guo Yingjun's son red again.

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