Young Master Jun’s 100 Techniques to Spoil His Wife

Chapter 1425: Can't tolerate deception!

Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sufei looked at Huang Ying and said nothing, reached out and grabbed his arm, grasped it very hard, and said, "Huang Ying, tell me!"

The Emperor Shadow was silent, and said, "Her Majesty, if you know this, will it affect your life?"

He originally planned to silently arrange for people to kill him back, but he did not expect to be seen by the queen.

He knew what Feng Sufei was thinking. He knew that Feng Sufei's delay in regaining her queen status was also related to Nanrong Huaian.

She wanted to continue such a peaceful life, how could he have the heart to break it!

Hearing such a sentence, plus the thunder of "thunder" outside.

Feng Sufei's head seemed to explode a thunder, her head buzzed, her face followed by white.

In fact, there is no need for Huang Ying to say anything. Just listening to this sentence and watching Huang Ying's reaction, we know that this matter must involve Nanrong Huaian.

Feng Sufei is already very clever, she can guess some things without thinking.

Not to mention the obvious answer.

She still remembers that those assassins really only killed her and avoided Nan Rong Huaian.

There is no doubt that those people wanted to kill her, but did not kill Nan Rong Huaian.

Who is not Zi Wanxun, who else?

And Nan Rong Huaian can't help not know.

Impossible to find out!

After all, the Nan Rong family is so powerful. If you want to check it at that time, you can't find even clues.

Different from her.

She was injured and fell asleep for so long. If she woke up, it would be too late to check the news.

For so long, enough people have erased the marks.

Feng Sufei had doubted it before, but she didn't dare to think about it. I didn't expect that it was really ... Nanrong Huaian lied to her!

Feng Sufei felt a tingling sensation in her heart.

She is the least tolerant of deception, and that is the least she can accept.

Because when she was the queen, she was deceived by Si Jueshen.

It was then killed.

This time the deception also involved life safety.

South Rong Huaian!

Feng Sufei said the name in her mouth, and she felt cold every inch of her heart, and she was no longer as warm as before.

Huang Ying can feel the change of Feng Sufei's whole body at once, so cold, the whole person seems to be isolated from the world.

This style of Su Fei is the most worried about Huang Ying.

He hoped that after experiencing those pains, Her Majesty was still bright and loving.

He didn't want to make her cold and never believe anyone again.

Huang Ying said, "Assassination is related to Zi Wanxun, but maybe Nan Rong Huaian didn't know."

Feng Sufei smiled coldly, as if laughing at herself, "Huangying, do you believe this?"

Huang Ying's body was stiff, yeah, he didn't believe it, after all, the power of the Nan Rong family was there.

Thinking of Nan Rong Huai'an hurting Feng Sufei, Huang Ying's whole body was filled with murderous spirit.

For him, Her Majesty is the most important. He is loyal to Her Majesty. Whoever hurts Her Majesty will kill anyone.

Feng Sufei's eyes were red and cold, but when she turned to look at the Emperor Shadow, there was a touch of warmth, "Imperial Lord, you have learned to comfort me, but I'm not so vulnerable, I still have you And this country, right? "

Although Feng Sufei was in pain and cold, she still had such a sense of reason.

There are people around to keep her warm, so she has not become a cold robot.

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