Young Master Jun’s 100 Techniques to Spoil His Wife

Chapter 1426: Order the royal family!

Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Although Feng Sufei's heart was very uncomfortable, although her heart was cold in an inch, and cold in an inch, just like the cold wind and heavy rain outside.

But she was trying to adjust her emotions and not let her heart be frozen.

She worked hard to think of some beautiful things and tried to warm her heart.

She remembered her grandmother saying that she must believe that there is warmth in the world.

Grandma also said that only with love and warmth in her heart can she better love this country and her people.

She remembered everything she said.

Grandma also said that Nan Rong Huai'an was good, but why did she feel that Nan Rong Huai'an was deceiving her?

Is it because she is too cherish, cares too much, is not too reserved in love?

So she was deceived by Si Jue deeply and by Nan Rong Huaian?

Feng Sufei can't believe in love anymore, she can't dare to devote herself to her heart anymore.

Huang Ying looked at Feng Sufei this way, he could feel the cold and cold breath by his side. He didn't know how to comfort Feng Sufei, and could only say: "Her Majesty, none of her subordinates will leave her. "

Feng Sufei nodded. "Huangying, I believe in you, because of you, my heart has not frozen into ice."

Taking a deep breath, Feng Sufei walked to the window, opened the window, and let the cold wind blow to her face.

The cold wind has a kind of strength to scrape the bones, it is very cold, and the shaved cheeks are painful.

What Feng Sufei wants is so cold and cold that she can be more and more sober.

The rain was heavy, and through the window, Feng Sufei's clothes were wet. Feng Sufei was unknown.

Huang Ying tried to persuade Feng Sufei, but opened his mouth and said nothing. He just stood beside Feng Sufei silently, in silent company.

In fact, for Feng Sufei now, silent companionship is the most important.

Because she doesn't want to talk or listen to anything now, she needs to be alone and think about it alone.

Feng Sufei took a few deep breaths, relieved her depression, gradually cooled down, and her heart calmed down.

Feng Sufei turned her head and looked at Huang Ying and said, "Give me a copy of your investigation information."


Huang Ying transferred all the information by electronic system and sent it to the Queen's secret inbox.

Feng Sufei landed as the queen's special mailbox, read all the information, and her eyes flashed cold.

She watched it quietly for a while, then calmly said: "The royal order was issued, and Zi Wanxun was killed."

When saying this, Feng Sufei's voice was firm and cold, which was an unquestionable order.

Issued as the queen.

Moreover, Feng Sufei knew that when the Royal Secret was activated, she secretly told all the subordinates who were loyal to the royal family that her queen had returned.

It's just that it hasn't really debuted yet.

In fact, from the beginning of the Emperor's shadow, everyone should know that her queen's soul is really immortal and has returned.

To kill Zi Wanxun, Feng Sufei need not ask Nan Rong Huai An, she does not need to question, she only needs to do what she wants to do.

It was Zi Wanxun who had murdered her first, and she went back and did nothing wrong.

She was not prepared to consider how Nan Rong Huaian felt.

The one-year agreement period is very fast. At that time, she and Nan Rong Huai'an were just a stranger.

If Nan Rong Huaian wants to get justice for Zi Wanxun, then she is always waiting!

She is the queen, with her pride in her bones, and she is not going to humblely lower her price for such a relationship.

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