Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sufei stood in place and looked at it like that until those people were no longer in sight.

For a moment her heart became desolate and barren, her heart ache, her throat hurt, her nose was sore, and her eyes were sore.

But she struggled to control her emotions and stretched herself.

She said goodbye to Nan Rong Huai An in her heart.

This time, let her indulge her emotional emotions and turn her head, she will let herself be indifferent and be a true queen.

In fact, at that moment, when Nan Rong Huai'an took people away, many members of the Nan Rong family reluctantly looked back at Feng Sufei.

Feng Sufei couldn't forget that look.

She was very grateful from the heart, and thanked these people for her support and resentment towards her.

Maybe bye bye, she will face them in another identity.

Feng Sufei stood upright with her back straight, her body seemed to collapse into a string, and the whole person became a sculpture, motionless.

She looked straight ahead, as if her eyes weren't blinking.

Feng Sufei was afraid that when she blinked her eyes, tears would come out.

She was working very hard to control her emotions.

Huang Ying stood behind Feng Sufei and looked at Feng Sufei with a worried look in his eyes.

He silently accompanied Feng Sufei.

The shadow guards of the royal family also stood silently, distressed the queen, but only so quietly accompanied.

As long as the Queen needs it, they must stand up.

When Huang Ying looked forward, his eyes were thoughtful.

I don't know why, as long as he is close to Nan Rong Huai An, he will have a very strange feeling, the whole soul seems to be withdrawn from the body.

At that moment, he seemed to be incapable of beating, and there was no heartbeat.

Such a feeling made Huang Ying feel cold.

He could feel that Nan Rong Huai'an was not like an ordinary person, as if he was not like an ordinary person.

Just then, the dark breath of Nan Rong Huaian seemed to scroll all the black gas around him, making him start to demonize.

At that moment, Nan Rong Huaian really seemed to be the Dark Demon.

At that moment, he felt that Nan Rong Huaian seemed to swallow the queen.

Fortunately, Nan Rong Huai An returned to reason.

Therefore, he felt that perhaps the queen was not right with Nan Rong Huai An.

The queen's life is the most important.

A purple wan smoked, did not match the Queen's shoes.

There is no need for the Queen to kill Zi Wan Xun and hurt herself.

And killing Zi Wanxun was indeed too cheap for her.

After a long, long time, Feng Sufei sighed, "Huangying, let's go back and everyone will withdraw!"

Huang Ying gestured, and all the royal shadow guards evacuated quickly.

The whole Red Clothes Lane, only Feng Sufei and Huang Ying.

Huang Ying accompanied Feng Sufei to walk back slowly and walked into the palace.

In Tancheng, there is only her home.

The Nan Rong family is not her home, and she will not go back.

Back in the palace, Huang Ying made a cup of hot tea for Feng Sufei to let Feng Sufei drink something to warm her body.

Feng Sufei holds a tea cup in her hands to let the heat warm her hands.

But if the tea cup is hot again, it won't warm her heart. Maybe only the love and care she wants can truly warm her heart.

Huang Ying stood next to Feng Sufei.

Feng Sufei asked Huang Ying to sit down and sip her tea, and slowly said, "Huang Ying, are you weird, why didn't I insist on killing Zi Wanxun, but instead changed her to three conditions of Nanrong Huaian? "

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