Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Huang Ying shook his head and looked at Feng Sufei distressedly: "Your Majesty is considering the overall situation, for the country of h."

Feng Sufei sighed in her heart, and perhaps the one who knows her best now is Huang Ying.

In this world, it is not easy to have someone you can trust, but also understand that you support you.

At least for this moment, Feng Sufei is not alone, because of the existence of Huang Ying, her heart is slightly warm.

Moreover, the royal shadow guards were worried about her, and she all saw it.

So Feng Sufei told herself that she must be rational and she must look forward, and she will never let herself be immersed in those sad emotions.

Feng Sufei's eyes flickered, and she thoughtfully said, "Huangying, if you let you face Nan Rong Huai An, do you win me?"

Huang Ying thought of the figure of Nan Rong Huai An in Hong Yi Lane before.

And his speed, his breath.

Huang Ying pondered for a moment, condensed: "Sorry, Your Majesty, Nan Rong Huaian's ability is above his subordinates."

This is the judgment of Huang Ying after analysis.

He only judged based on the speed and momentum displayed by Nan Rong Huai'an, but Nan Rong Huai'an still has a lot to show.

So Huang Ying believes that this man is strong.

It's just that his breath converges, and it is difficult for anyone to see his details.

It also shows that this man is terrible and terrible.

In fact, from the aspect of reason, he agrees with Her Majesty's approach. Instead of confronting them, it is better to change those three conditions rationally.

Feng Sufei smiled slightly, in fact, even Huang Ying can see that Nan Rong Huaian's ability is extraordinary.

Feng Sufei thought about it. It seems that when she was with Nan Rong Huai'an, she had never seen Nan Rong Huaian's shot.

When he had a bad leg before, he was hiding his strength!

Even Huang Ying admits that Nan Rong Huaian is better than him.

Nan Rong Huai'an has only shown part of its capabilities.

Such a man is her pillow, but she never knew.

Just as the same, Nan Rong Huaian didn't know her.

Feng Sufei looked down at the tea cup, the heat of the tea was very high, making the tea linger in the smoke.

Feng Sufei looked at it, her expression was dumbfounded.

She seemed to think that the time she spent with Nan Rong Huai An was like smoke.

Feng Sufei immersed herself in her thoughts for a long time.

She recalled her past with Nan Rong Huai An, and the more she remembered, the more painful she felt.

Because she and Nan Rong Huai'an also have a good past and a good memory.

However, at this time she said goodbye in her heart.

Farewell to the past.

Feng Sufei's eyes were red and red, but she did not cry from beginning to end.

Because she doesn't allow herself to cry, she is the queen and she has her pride.

After Feng Sufei controlled her emotions, she said to Huang Ying: "Come with me to the royal palace!"

The Royal Palace is actually the tomb of the Queen of all ages.

The Queen's blood is needed to unlock all levels.

In addition, Feng Sufei's organ warrior has a pulse from Xuan Daozi. All the organs of the earth palace can be opened and modified.

The reason why she wanted to enter the underground palace was because there were many things hidden in it, and it was necessary for her to return to the queen.

On the day of her return, she will start a nine-turn exquisite array, and Phoenix will fly and settle down.

The sky elephant leads directly to the temple. At that time, people in the whole country will know that the queen has really returned, and they will truly identify with her.

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