Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan coaxed Feng Sujin gently and patiently.

Because of deep love, he understood Feng Sujin's thoughts and thoughts, and knew her emotions.

Therefore, Feng Sujin doesn't need to say almost anything, Jun Mohan can understand, and he can try to comfort her.

Jun Mohan can be tough inside, he can be cold, but when treating Feng Sujin, when treating his lover, his heart is always soft, and his heart is always gentle.

Feng Sujin just couldn't accept those scenes for a while, because she was a modern person and accepted modern thought.

When she saw that the people were treated as slaves, she was really angry, and she could not help killing those in black on the spot.

But she couldn't do anything for the time being. This feeling of powerlessness made it difficult for her to control her inner anger.

But after so much, Feng Sujin was also very strong in heart, and soon calmed down.

She looked at Jun Mohan's worried and gentle eyes, she was a little embarrassed.

Feng Sujin's face turned slightly red, and he was embarrassed and said to Jun Mohan: "I was not calm just now."

Jun Mohan rubbed Feng Sujin's hair. "Ajin, we are not saints. We ca n’t be calm all the time. It ’s right to have emotions. I know that this is the case with big love in your heart. I am very happy.

Fortunately, the girl he has been watching has been growing, and now her strong appearance pleases him and distresses him.

Feng Sujin was emotionally out of control for a while, and soon she knew what to do.

Because she doesn't want to waste time.

Feng Sujin didn't rest, just to discuss with Jun Mohan what to do next.

Jun Mohan looked at Feng Sujin's tired eyebrows, especially with dark circles. He didn't sleep all night and was so energetic. He looked at his heartache.

Feng Sujin said a lot of opinions, but Ban Mohan didn't see Jun Mohan speak. She looked up at Jun Mohan and blinked, "Mo Han, why don't you speak?"

"You are obedient, go to bed for a while, and then consider these things, I will deal with them."

Feng Sujin shook her head, "I'm not sleepy."

Jun Mohan reached out and stroked Feng Sujin's eyebrows. "You can go and see what you look like now."

She didn't sleep all night, she was rushing back and forth all night, and just now she was in a bad mood, now she was tense and bad for her health.

Jun Mohan's distress is in his eyes.

Feng Sujin froze, "I can do well."

"Leave it to me, you go to sleep, believe me."

Feng Sujin actually had a headache. She didn't rest well and got angry again. Now she thinks about so many things and is very tired.

When she met Shang Mohan's firm eyes, Feng Sujin calmed down at this moment, then nodded, "Okay."

She knew that if she did not take good care of herself, Jun Mohan would also be exhausted.

Love is actually mutual, care about each other, and distress each other.

So if she is to reassure Jun Mohan, she must rest well.

When Feng Sujin went to rest, Jun Mohan quickly mobilized some of his elites to ambush around the cave, and he reported at any time.

He also needs a few hands that are good at camouflage to steal the beam.

Then, he sent an urgent message to the Yueyue of the Lingyue tribe, letting him develop medicine for confrontation.

Qiu Wenzheng was also called by Jun Mohan to specifically develop restraint drugs.

Once Jun Mohan was going to do something, it was extremely popular.

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