Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan also needs to deal with this matter quickly. Only in this way can Feng Sujin no longer have to worry about it.

Every time he saw her busy appearance, he really couldn't help feeling distressed.

Jun Mohan also received the latest news from the imperial capital.

Guoyong Junliu hasn't shown up in a long time. No one knows what he will do now.

At the beginning, some detailed works arranged by Jun Mohan were removed, and now the people around Hou Lijin have also been replaced, so it is difficult to check the news.

Moreover, the waiting mark hasn't appeared for so long. Regardless of the whole empire, it shows that he has bigger plans to do.

Jun Mohan thought, tapping his hands gently on the table, his expression was a little cold.

He told his subordinates: "Keep checking, you will find clues."

After everything was arranged, Jun Mohan rubbed his eyebrows tiredly, then went into the room.

When he saw the sleeping person on the bed, his eyebrows relaxed and his eyes softened.

Only when he looks at the beloved one can his heart be calm and soft.

Jun Mohan gave Feng Sujin a quilt, and looked at her for a while before leaving.

He still has a lot of things to deal with, and he has to deal with things in a dream country as soon as possible.



Today's Lingyue clan is completely different. Because Yueyi's unintentional lover Dani Qiulan has returned, the Lingyue clan has begun to promote an environment of love. Everyone also believes in love, and the clan people also begin to love each other. Woke up.

The atmosphere is completely different.

Walking on every road, everyone can feel the cheerful and loving atmosphere.

Yue Wuxin even hated not being able to give everything to Qiulan.

He really spoiled Qiu Lan.

"Inadvertently ..."

"Laner, why are you out? You are in good health and you need to rest."

Ran Qiulan can see the spoiled light in Yue Wuxin's eyes, and she can feel that she is truly loved.

The smile on the corner of Ran Qiulan's mouth couldn't help rising, and his heart was sweet. "You keep me resting and resting, and I will be bored."

"If you are bored, I will accompany you, where do you want to go, I will accompany you, you see, these are the flowers you like, they grow very well."

Every time I saw the flowers in the garden, I felt slightly sad in my heart. These flowers were cultivated with no intention.

In those days, she chased Yueyue for so long, and now he can love him so much, it is actually worth it.

Because this man deserves her love.

"Inadvertently, every time I see these words, I can think of your difficulties these years."

When mentioning this, Yue's unintentional heart also hurt. He gently hugged Qiu Lan, "Laner, don't say those. Compared to you, these are nothing. You are the one who most distresses me."

Even if she can hold Ran Qiulan in her arms now, Yue Wuxin's heart is still distressed every time.

His cooking skills are even more refined now, because he just wanted to make Dian Qiulan fatter. Her body was hurt too much before, and she was too thin. Every time I held it, he was really distressed.

Said, Yue Wuxin bowed his head and kissed Qiu Lan's lips.

He loved her, he loved him a little, and he couldn't help feeling each time, but he had to consider dyeing Qiulan's body every time.

Ran Qiulan can feel Yuexin's heart.

Ran Qiulan smiled gently and said, "I will take care of my body."

"Okay, Laner, you have to stay with me."


When the two were in love, Yuewuxin received an urgent message from Jun Mohan, and his face changed slightly.

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