Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan slowly returned to his heart. After the soul returned, he looked at the people in his arms, a heartfelt touch.

He didn't seem to understand why Feng Sujin was here.

Jun Mohan's eyes still had a faint magic, and the light blue light flashed away, just like the vast sky, mysterious and deep. His eyes were so beautiful, but Feng Sujin's heart trembled.

She had a feeling of fear, and she didn't know why.

She feels that her husband is about to change, and she does not know what it will look like.

All she knew was that she couldn't stand his indifference, she couldn't stand him like this.

When he looked at her, he was always gentle and spoiled, not such a look.

Although he is very charming, very tempting, very tempting and distracting from his eyes, she still likes the gentleman who is gentle, somber and noble and elegant.

It's not like the charm now.

Although Jun Mohan was cold at this time, it was really as cold as ice, which can freeze people into ice cubes, but Feng Sujin gritted his teeth, stood cold, and hugged Jun Mohan firmly.

Her heart was sore and aching, and she tried to call Jun Mohan's name, "Mo Han, Mo Han ... I'm A Jin, I'm A Jin ..."

Feng Sujin now looks at Jun Mohan, and they all feel that Jun Mohan is out of his soul.

She remembered that when Jun Mohan was unconscious.

When she went to the country without forgetting, Jun Mohan appeared to her with a ghost phantom.

She thought of this and was very scared.

Because she was worried, at this time Jun Mohan's soul was also withdrawn, or left the body to do other things.

She didn't want him like that, she was worried about him.

She didn't even know what to do and what she could do for him.

Feng Sujin's anxious eyes were red, "Mo Han, Mo Han ... I'm your Jin ... It's Feng Sujin ... your wife ... your lover ..."

Feng Sujin kept talking hoarsely.

She repeated almost without stopping.

There was only one Jun Mohan in her eyes, and she did not dare to blink.

She was afraid that in the blink of an eye, Jun Mohan in front of her would disappear.

Jun Mohan's head hurts. He felt that his body's soul had been detached, and he was far away from the real world.

What he was going to do was as if he were out of control, because he pulled the power of the void, and he was full of darkness.

There was a feeling of leaving to vanity.

But subconsciously, he can also feel that he is concerned about the world.

There seemed to be a familiar voice in his ear.

Jun Mohan's body is also very painful, there is a feeling of tearing in his soul, his head is also very painful, there is a feeling of exploding.

Because he is fighting against himself.

Perhaps it was because of the warmth slowly recovering from the body that Jun Mohan was sober for a moment.

He gradually saw the person in front of him, and then slowly remembered everything.

He opened his mouth and said, "Ajin?"

At this time, hearing a gentle voice like Jun Mohan, Feng Sujin almost cried.

Hearing such a voice when he was about to collapse, Feng Sujin felt that his heart was alive.

She nodded hard. "Mo Han, it's me, I'm A Jin, your A Jin ..."

Jun Mohan slowly reached out his hand and gently wiped the tear marks from the corner of the eye to Feng Sujin, "How are you here?"

"I can't see you in the middle of the night, I'm panicked, and I saw you here."

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