Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin eagerly explained, but still held Jun Mohan with her hands, she was afraid to let go.

She was also afraid that Jun Mohan would disappear when she let go.

Her heart was still scared or flustered.

No one knows how much she cares about her husband.

No one knew what Jun Mohan meant to her, perhaps more important than her life.

Even if she didn't die, she wanted her husband to be good.

"Mo Han, you ... why is your body so cold, what happened to you?"

When saying this, Feng Sujin was all with tremolo.

Jun Mohan looked at the surrounding environment, looked up at the round moon over the night, all around was black, only the full moon was bright.

He felt that the breath on his body would be in harmony with the full moon.

Jun Mohan's eyes narrowed slightly, with too much complicated light inside, and the light blue light flashed away.

At this time, Jun Mohan gave Feng Sujin the same feeling as a dream, like a dream.

Feng Sujin looked at the flashing light blue light under Jun Mohan's eyes, his heart was shocked, and her heartbeat was disordered.

She reached out to touch Jun Mohan's eyes.

"Mo Han, why don't you talk, you talk, you are like this, I'm scared."

Jun Mohan's eyes were somber with somber light. He frowned and looked at Feng Sujin. "Ajin, you go back first, I'm fine."

"How can it be all right, you go back to the house with me, we go back to the house together."

Feng Sujin now feels her body fluttering. She may be frightened, or she may be too frightened.

She held Jun Mohan's hand tightly and was about to return to the house.

Although Jun Mohan's hands were cold, Feng Sujin still used her own temperature to warm her family.

Even if she freezes herself, she cannot lose her husband.

When Feng Sujin pulled Jun Mohan, he did not pull.

When she turned to look at Jun Mohan, she met his cold and strange eyes again.

Feng Sujin couldn't stand such a look, she felt her heart was going to be cold, "Mo Han?"

Jun Mohan reached out and took Feng Sujin's hand, "You go back first."

Feng Sujin heard such a word, she was very hurt, and her eyelashes trembled slightly, and she burst into tears. "Mo Han, what's wrong with you?"

Jun Mohan endured a headache, pulled a hand over Feng Sujin, took her back quickly, and let her enter the room.

Jun Mohan held Feng Sujin's shoulders and said, "Don't come out tonight, obedient."

Then, Jun Mohan closed the door and left.

Feng Sujin was still standing still, and never returned.

She found that Jun Mohan had a very fast speed just now, a weird speed.

She seemed to be in a moment, and he had already stepped out of the door and closed her.

Whatever Feng Sujin thinks, Jun Mohan feels that something is wrong tonight.

When she suddenly returned to her mind, her face went white.

Feng Sujin quickly opened the door and ran out.

She felt that Jun Mohan must be something, otherwise he would not say so.

She was worried about him and she must know what happened to him.

As soon as Feng Sujin stepped out of the door, she felt a cloudy wind blowing from outside, which was different from the biting wind on weekdays. This was a kind of cold and penetrating bone marrow.

She continued to run and ran to the place where Jun Mo had just treated herself, it was in a forest.

Feng Sujin didn't shout this time, she just quietly approached the forest.

She went to Jun Mohan by feeling.

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