Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin's thoughts in her heart couldn't be controlled, she just wanted to see her husband in person and know if he was OK.

There was a feeling of panic and empty in her heart. She wanted to hug him, and she needed a hug.

She really missed him.

"Don't mess around, Mr. Jun is busy, I'm sure to come to you as soon as possible."

Feng Sujin shook her head and insisted, "I want to find him."

Ran Qiulan feels that Feng Sujin is so gentle and has a good temper and patience.

But only when facing Mr. Jun, she was very stubborn.

And this stubbornness cannot be advised by anyone.

Ran Qiulan knew that persuasion was useless. When she and Yue were unconscious, she was also very stubborn.

Feng Sujin said that she was about to get out of bed, and her hand was about to get off the ground.

But holding up and struggling, Feng Sujin hissed and sighed in pain.

"Oh, you ... your wrist was cut by you before. It's not good. You can't work hard. If you let Mr. Jun know, you won't feel bad.

Ran Qiulan still remembers that Jun Mohan saw Feng Sujin's wrist injury and knew that when she cut blood, his eyes became red at that moment.

Ran Qiulan looked at Mr. Jun at the time, and thought he was about to shed tears, but maybe he controlled his emotions and bleed blood in his heart!

Feng Sujin took a breath and sat back in bed. She almost forgot about her wrist injury.

She cut her blood and bleed that day.

But she doesn't regret it, as long as she can save Jun Mohan, and as long as she can make the person she loves, she shed some blood.

Just didn't expect the stamina to hurt so much.

"Now you know how it hurts? At the time, you cut your hands. I was horrified at what I saw. I felt like you were cutting tofu. But your hands!"

Feng Sujin smiled slightly. "As long as you can save Mo Han and bleed blood, it's nothing."

When Ran Qiulan heard this sentence, her heart was shocked. She opened her mouth and didn't know what to say.

At this time, she felt some changes in the air and had a strong sense of oppression.

Ran Qiulan turned back conditionedly and saw the person who came in at the door, Mr. Jun.

She also did not know whether Mr. Jun had heard these words just now.

However, Yan Qiulan looked at Jun Mohan's eyes, with a deep pain in them, and the eyes were red.

Ran Qiulan can guess that Jun Mohan just heard what he said just now.

She could feel the low pressure in the air.

Ran Qiulan looked at Feng Sujin, and found that Feng Sujin was looking at Mr. Jun without blinking.

At this moment, the eyes of two people are only one another.

Ran Qiuran hurriedly left the room quietly, giving way to two people.

The moment Feng Sujin saw Jun Mohan and saw him well, she didn't know why, her eyes were sore, and she wanted to cry, but she tried hard to keep her emotions from tears.

She knew that when facing Jun Mohan, her heart was fragile for no reason.

Jun Mohan with a lonely atmosphere is actually a heavy feeling.

He looked at the beloved and walked towards the bed step by step.

The two did not speak, so they looked at each other until Jun Mohan came to the bed and sat down. He gently picked up Feng Sujin's hand and put a strong kiss on his lips. A Jin! "

This sound of Jin, as if it were from Jun Mohan's heart, with pain, pain and many, many feelings.

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