Young Master Jun’s 100 Techniques to Spoil His Wife

Chapter 1631: What should I do with her?

Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

In addition to this shout, Jun Mohan had too much to say, but because of his distress, he didn't even know what to say for a while.

Because of the terrible pain in his heart, the hurting hearts were all together, speechless at all.

He could only hold Feng Sujin's hand more forcefully, but because Feng Sujin's other hand was injured, he couldn't push too hard.

At this moment, Jun Mohan had a feeling of swallowing Feng Sujin in his body, so that he could wrap her with all of him and protect her.

Jun Mohan's eyes are so red, the color is red, as if dripping blood.

Feng Sujin looked at Jun Mohan like this, his heart trembled fiercely.

She also distressed her husband.

The two have been together for so long. She knew Jun Mohan. He must be very painful now, and must be distressed to her, so this is the way.

Maybe he was still blaming her because she had cut blood.

But she really didn't feel anything.

She was very happy to see her husband well.

This is love, love without resentment.

But seeing Jun Mohan's appearance, she was also distressed and didn't know how to comfort him.

In fact, Feng Sujin can understand his heart without what Jun Mohan said, so he knows why he hurts.

In fact, she could be content to see him well, to feel his breath, to hear him speak, to see the affectionate eyes under his eyes.

Feng Sujin comforted Jun Mohan softly: "Mo Han, I'm fine, it doesn't hurt."

Feng Sujin said it didn't hurt, naturally referring to the wound on the hand.

She knew that even if she said it didn't hurt, Mr. Jiajun would still hurt her.

Love cannot control the distressed one.

She had broken a small wound before, or her hands were burned with oil, and he would feel bad.

Not to mention now.

Feng Sujin can fully understand Jun Mohan's feelings.

"It really doesn't hurt."

Jun Mohan's eyes were red, with a deep and regretful light under his eyes.

He reached out and gently touched Feng Sujin's hair, with deep compassion, "Fool, how could it not hurt, what should you let me do with you? What can I do?"

Jun Mohan felt helpless at this moment.

He really knew from the earliest that Feng Sujin was a blue phoenix, or that when two people were very young, he knew that her blood could save himself.

But she was the girl he most wanted to protect, how could he use her blood for his own personal use.

If he couldn't keep up with her blood, how could he stop others from yelling at her.

So he would rather control himself than sacrifice himself, and he would never allow him to hurt A Jin.

He knew from the earliest time, but knew his heart clearly, he couldn't use it, and he couldn't use her blood.

So he hid all her information, he tried to guard her and protect her.

When he realized that his body might be in trouble, he was afraid that he could no longer protect her.

He had to endure the pain and let her go strong.

Only his Jin is strong enough to protect herself, and one day when he is not with her, she can protect herself.

That way he can rest assured.

But he didn't know it. In the end, she would still know the secret hidden in her blood.

He still made her bleed, and his body used her blood as a medicine.

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