Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan has been unable to face himself for a long time since he woke up to know this.

No one knew how painful he was.

No one knew, he wished he could kill himself with one shot, letting go of all the used blood.

At this moment of Jun Mohan, his mood was so severe that his whole body was shaking.

He held Feng Sujin's hand, Feng Sujin could fully feel his emotional instability, and he could feel his strong blame.

Feng Sujin's eyes also went red. "Mo Han, don't do this. I think I can save you. I'm really happy. If you do something, I won't live alone, you know."

Hearing Feng Sujin's words, Jun Mohan was shocked. He looked at Feng Sujin deeply, "Fool, how can you ..."

Feng Sujin said seriously: "If I have something wrong, can you live happily?"

Jun Mohan sighed. He couldn't do it. Without Feng Sujin, he would not live alone in this world.

Feng Sujin looked at Jun Mohan's expression and knew what he was thinking.

"So you let me look at you like that, are you anxious?"

After a pause, Feng Sujin tried to pull his hand out, and seemed to think something, a little angry.

How could Jun Mohan let Feng Sujin pull his hand out? He held Feng Sujin's hand and didn't let her pull out.

However, Feng Sujin's wrist was injured, and Jun Mohan didn't dare to work too hard.

His heart hurts, but he doesn't know what to do?

He couldn't breathe anymore.

His A Jin, he puts his heart on the painful person, let him how to face her in the future.

He looked a little angry at Feng Sujin, and didn't dare to hold her hand too much, but he couldn't let her leave him at all.

Jun Mohan tightened his heart, let go of her hand, hugged her, and said hoarsely: "A Jin, don't be angry, don't get angry, don't make me feel bad ..."

Feng Sujin listened to Jun Mohan's distressed tone, but his heart softened.

She slightly choked and said, "But Mo Han, do you know? When I saw you lying in a coma, my heart was so painful, I hate to be unconscious with you, you don't know me Worry, you always torture me in this way, you are so cruel, you obviously said to make me happy, you just made me worry ... "

Feng Sujin said, and couldn't control her tears.

Hearing Feng Sujin crying, Jun Mohan's whole body shook, his seductive eyes with broken light, and the painful whole body twitched.

"Ajin, don't ... don't do this ..."

Feng Sujin wiped away the tears in the corner of her eyes, "You are very cruel, you know that my blood can save you, you just say nothing, let me worry about you all the time, I am afraid of losing you, you are not I do n’t know how scared I am, how scared I am. I ’m scared every time I do n’t see you, do you know? ”

In the end, Feng Sujin's voice suddenly increased, she was too excited to control her emotions.

She now hates his cruelty and concealment.

If she knew it earlier, she could save him, he wouldn't be hurt, and they wouldn't be apart for a while.

Jun Mohan listened to Feng Sujin's words, his heart trembled fiercely, he didn't know how to explain.

He loves Ajin in his way. Did he use the wrong way?

He thought he had good love, but actually brought so much pain to her?

"A Jin, I ..."

"Mo Han, you are so selfish, really so selfish, so cruel ..."

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