Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan listened to Feng Sujin's words, looked at her so weak but stubborn, and felt very distressed.

This kind of distress is like a knife being cut inch by inch, with a kind of painful suffocation.

Jun Mohan's eyes were red, with deep pain in his eyes.

This kind of distressed red eyes, Feng Sujin faced, her heart trembled fiercely.

She could clearly feel his distress.

She could feel his heart hurting, and at this moment, she could feel it, so she felt sorry for her husband, she didn't want to make him look like this, didn't want to make him sad.

She knew that it was all because of her. She worked hard to support her spirit: "Mo Han, don't worry about me, I'm really fine, I just might wake up and look like this."

Feng Sujin didn't realize that she was weak and pale now, and she could see it at a glance. Her condition was very bad.

Jun Mohan whispered, "Be obedient, don't talk. I'm so distressed at how you look."

Feng Sujin shook her head, trying to comfort Jun Mohan, "I'm really fine."

Jun Mohan gently touched her hair. "Fool, and said that I'm fine, can't I see it, obediently."

Listening to Jun Mohan's gentle and soothing words, Feng Sujin was really warm and warm.

She actually likes to listen to her gentleman's gentle words and see how tender he is to her, which will make her warm all over her body.

When he is tired, he will be full of strength because of him.

She all felt like she hadn't talked to him for a long time, and hugged it.

They are all too busy when can they rest.

Can they go home after the war is over?

Feng Sujin had a lot of questions in her heart to ask Jun Mohan, but she was really weak and tired when she spoke.

She felt unable to ask these words.

She's so tired, she really wants to rest.

Feng Sujin this meeting, in fact, is a look of energy and weakness, less air intake and more air.

Jun Mohan embraced her gently, so gentle and cherished, as if treating a fragile doll.

He kissed Feng Sujin's forehead softly. "Good, Ajin, don't talk, take a break first, and after a month of unconsciousness and Ran Qiulan come, they will show you the body."

Feng Sujin leaned on Jun Mohan's arms and breathed hard.

She knows what happened to her.

It was nothing more than a chest injury, and she had no strength at all.

She thought she was fine, but she didn't want Jun Mohan to know the hurt in her heart.

She was thinking, what would she say later?

"Just let Qiulan come and look for me."

Jun Mohan kissed the corner of Feng Sujin's lips gently. "Good, let them all take a look at you, I'm not at ease."

Jun Mohan was so distressed by Feng Sujin that his voice was trembling with trembling.

Feng Sujin knew that her stubborn husband was stubborn, she could not persuade.

After a while, Yuewuxin and Yan Qiulan came here.

When she saw Ran Qiulan, Feng Sujin hurriedly blinked Ran Qiulan and winked.

Feng Sujin quietly pointed her finger at the position of her heart while Jun Mohan was not paying attention.

Ran Qiulan came to understand.

She sighed in her heart. It must be that Mr. Jun did not know about Feng Sujin's wound, so it may have touched her heart.

In this state of the two of them, Ran Qiulan looked anxiously.

However, after the pulse was confirmed, there was no problem, and Ran Qiulan found a reason and said, "It was just waking up, the spirit has not been fully recovered, and some nutrition needs to be added. Resting is needed ...

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