Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin seems to have dreamed of the scene of the night of the full moon, dreaming of Jun Mohan's demonized appearance, talking about what kind of enemy is to kill her.

She looked at Jun Mohan like that, she felt very hurt, she kept shouting and explaining, she wanted him to wake up.

Feng Sujin shook her head constantly, shouting, because of anxiety, her forehead was sweating finely.

Jun Mohan listened to Feng Sujin's trembling painful voice, and his whole body shook.

What was she dreaming about, how could this be mumbled.

Jun Mohan held Feng Sujin's hand uncontrollably.

At this moment, he didn't know how to comfort Feng Sujin.

He could not wake her up, but also wanted her to rest and sleep at ease.

Jun Mohan tilted his head and kissed the kiss lip gently, the gesture was so gentle, this kiss did not have any emotion, desire, he was just soothing her emotions.

After kissing Feng Sujin, he gently said in her ear: "A Jin, obedient, I am here with you, I love you, sleep obediently, do not be afraid, do not be afraid of anything ... ... "

Jun Mohan kept talking softly in Feng Sujin's ear, his voice was very low and soft.

Jun Mohan said with a distressed tone, his heart was trembling, and he was so distressed to her.

Distressed, Jun Mohan doesn't know how to love her so that she can relax her and make her calm in her sleep.

Jun Mohan's eyes were red.

Perhaps Feng Sujin heard a gentle voice and heard a voice belonging to Jun Mohan. Her brows gradually calmed down and she slept better.

Looking at Feng Sujin's sweet sleeping face, Jun Mohan was relieved.

He was sitting quietly next to the bed like this, looking at Feng Sujin, with a soft and petting light between his brows, but his eyes were more distressed.

I don't know how long after that, Feng Sujin may be able to sense the breath of Jun Mohan around her, and have a strong sense of security.

She twitched her eyelashes, then slowly opened her eyes.

As soon as Feng Sujin opened her eyes, she saw her family gentleman, which instantly made her heart feel safe and practical.

She knew very well that she relied on her husband.

She was fragile when she woke up, and she felt like she wanted to hug.

But Feng Sujin pursed her lips without saying anything, just staring straight at Jun Mohan.

What kind of expression Feng Sujin expresses in his eyes, Jun Mohan can fully understand.

Because of the extreme love, sometimes she knew what she thought.

He sighed in his heart, then reached out to hold Feng Sujin in his arms, his actions were very gentle.

When Feng Sujin had closed her eyes and leaned on Jun Mohan's arms, she suddenly felt a pain in her heart, and there was a cold feeling in front of her.

This cold feeling made her chill all over.

This feeling is very familiar, just like the full moon day.

Feng Sujin shivered, then suddenly pushed Jun Mohan away.

Jun Mohan was puzzled, "Ajin, what's wrong with you?"

Feng Sujin stared at Jun Mohan's chest.

Jun Mohan wanted to touch Feng Sujin's hand. Feng Sujin was a little apprehensive, even if he didn't care about the wounds in his heart, but the kind of injuries that were stabbed was still very cold and painful.

And the wounds are now okay, "Man Han, have you brought anything, your chest is hard, what weapon is it?"

Jun Mohan just remembered the dagger. He took out and said, "Ajin, this dagger was left to me by my mother. I don't know it is an ancient weapon. This dagger can hurt you. I haven't figured out how to deal with it. it."

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