Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin saw Jun Mohan again holding the dagger in her hand, and she had a very dazzling feeling.

She did not expect that the ancient weapon that could hurt her was left by Jun Mohan's mother.

Feng Sujin's eyes flickered and her lips narrowed: "Mo Han, what is your mother's identity?"

Jun Mohan gently touched Su Sujin's hair, "That is also your mother."

Feng Sujin lowered her head and lashed slightly, covering the emotions at the bottom of her eyes.

At this moment, Feng Sujin rejected the ancient weapon and did not know what attitude to use to face his mother.

His mother's identity was always strange.

That woman was once called the evildoer, and some were called fairies.

She didn't know what kind of person she was.

Why did the weapons she left hurt her!

Although she felt a little uncomfortable, for the sake of Jun Mohan, Feng Sujin whispered softly: "Mo Han, I always think that the identity of the mother is not simple, do you see that my mother knows a lot?"

"Well, it may not be easy, but the mother never said it, never mentioned it, and the father probably didn't know it."

Feng Sujin seemed to think of something. She grabbed Jun Mohan's arm. "You said, would Guoyong Jun know when he was leaving?"

Jun Mohan shook his head, "I know very little about my mother."

At this moment, Jun Mohan could feel Feng Sujin's fear of the dagger, his heart hurt, he kissed her forehead, "wait for a while."

Feng Sujin nodded.

When Jun Mohan came back again, the dagger was gone.

"What about the weapon?"

"Put it in the spirit pool."

Feng Sujin stunned. That was what his mother left him. So he just put it in the Lingchi?

Feng Sujin opened her mouth in surprise.

Jun Mohan bowed his head and kissed the corner of her lips. "The aura and spirit stone in the Lingchi can dispel the killing breath on the weapon. For me, things are dead. You are the most important, Jin. More important than anything. "

Jun Mohan said this sentence very seriously.

Although the dagger was left to him by his mother, although he could find clues to his mother, these were not more important than Feng Sujin's safety.

If Feng Sujin's life is in danger, he will not be able to bear it, how can he still have the heart to do other things.

Feng Sujin had a lot of touches in her heart, and her eyes flashed with sparkling light. She reached out and hugged Jun Mohan's neck. "Mo Han, I love you."

After hearing such a sentence, Jun Mohan's heart became drunk suddenly, his expression softened.

His Jin, how can he love her!

Feng Sujin rarely said love on weekdays, and Jun Mohan was too little to hear, so such a sentence made his heart soft and incredible, and the softest part of his heart was hit.

He could only touch her hair gently and whispered, "I love you too."

The two bodies will feel the warmth and quietness of this moment.

After a short while, Feng Sujin seemed to think of something, and blinked and asked, "How is the battle? Has it broken into the capital?"

Jun Mohan nodded his head, "He has invaded the emperor's capital, and directly took the court of the national brave king. Our army and the national brave army broke out on a large scale. This time the national brave king also mobilized the tricky power behind him , Also hired international mercenary killers, and some powerful families to support, this battle period can not be ended. "

Feng Sujin looked cold, "Guo Yongjun regarded that position as important, and he must have left a lot of forces to fight."

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