Young Master Jun’s 100 Techniques to Spoil His Wife

Chapter 1654: Female soldiers first battle

Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin was thinking about the plan and the map, and his eyes passed through the deep light.

In this battle, she will not show mercy.

Feng Sujin didn't want to delay time any more. She felt bad for her family, and wanted to take down the empire early and dominate the Chinese continent.

In that case, Mr. Jiajun can take a good rest and relax!

Moreover, she did not want to be separated from her husband.

Therefore, the Chinese continent is unified, and after peace, they can go home and live their lives.

In the morning, she can wake up naturally, and she can sleep in the arms of her husband.

They can watch the stars and the moon at home, rainy days, and rain in the house, without having to think about going out. On snowy days, see enough snow in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and go out to play with snow ...

They can also travel to many places ...

Feng Sujin thought, there was a feeling of tranquility in her heart, and her eyes were soft.

But soon to enter the battle, Feng Sujin's heart is also fierce.

She can allow herself a moment of recollection and calmness, but she cannot indulge her emotions. She must enter a state of combat.

Feng Sujin took the Overlord Flower team into Pingsu City.

She first disguised herself with Saiqin and Saiwei and explored the process before she knew how chaotic the city was.

After the war, it was a mess, and Guo Yongjun's team even used the opportunity of combat to burn and rob, and the people were furious.

Now the team of Guoyongjun is on the tower not far away.

"Girl, you go quickly! It's dangerous here, it's not these people, it's the dark devil, they're not like ordinary people."

"Yes, the forces organized by the people in our city have been dispersed. Now that the city is occupied by them, they say that the empire is a national hero, so we must be loyal to the national hero."

"Girl, why did you come in the city, don't be found?"


Feng Sujin listened to everyone's words, her expression was stunned, and she washed her face, and then took out the soldier's amulet given by Jun Mohan.

Without her saying anything, the people were shocked, "You ... you are Mrs. Jun ... no ... you are the future queen, you are the true queen."

In fact, there is no need to use soldiers and no identification. Such a face is the best and most powerful explanation.

Everyone was naturally very excited. The war made them feel painful, and they were waiting to be rescued. Now that the real king and queen have appeared, they are naturally happy and happy.

They believe that the Empire will be fine.

Feng Sujin promptly directed everyone to come to the safe area quietly. There are tunnels below, so that everyone can quickly enter the tunnels to avoid them.

Of course, among the people, they are also loyal to the monarch Mohan, and they are also loyal to the country.

Feng Sujin only seeks reliable people and gathers people together. As for those who are loyal to the country's yongjun and mutilate the people, she will not save them.

When night fell, Pingsu City's first shot was fired, and a real fierce battle began.

This is also the first battle that truly belongs to the Overlord Flower team. They cooperate tacitly, have a sharp body, have a very strong attack power, and have accurate marksmanship.

Everyone cooperated to destroy the enemy one by one.



"Where did this come from, a group of women? So amazing ..."

"Kill ... no mercy ..."


The female soldiers were originally trained as a killer, and later were woven into a female soldier team by Feng Sujin. Their marksmanship was really fast.

They flipped on the spot, almost waiting for the enemy to react, and hit the enemy's heart with a single shot.

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