Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Compared with the speed of the gun, even the dark team of the national yongjun could not compare with the female soldiers.

And all the female soldiers in the Overlord Flower team were fighting with green eyes, which was extremely exciting.

Because the battle to protect the country and protect the people allowed them to find the value of their existence, they naturally fought hard to fight.

Feng Sujin stood high and commanded with a headset. She wanted to make sure that her overlord team was not alone.

If she saw someone placing an order, when it was dangerous, she would immediately arrange for the people around her to join her and cooperate with the battle.

She cherishes the lives of everyone.

"Bang bang ..."


"You cover, I'll kill these people ..."

Although the Overlord Flower team is a female soldier, before they were trained as a killer in the Blue Snake Kingdom, they helped each other. They have formed a deep friendship. They do not flinch, they are not afraid. Can ignore life and death.

But at that time they only had killer skills and did not form a real team.

Under the training of Feng Sujin, they formed a real combat team with strong cohesion and tacit cooperation.

Their tacit cooperation seems to be instinct, which is not comparable to the team of Guo Yongjun.

"Kill, one doesn't stay ..."

The Overlord Flower team looked condensed, one on top of the other, forming a team of three or five, spinning in, with a sharp body, while evading and attacking. Their fighting methods may seem unruly, but in fact they are truly flawless.

In the same match, they will always shoot faster than the enemy.

Because they have already integrated their weapons with them, they don't need to be in a good position. They rely on their instincts to reach out and shoot, which is also the key to hitting the enemy.

Guoyongjun's team was severely killed. They suffered heavy losses and suffered more than half of their injuries.

Then they reacted.

"Nnd, don't look down on these women, this is a woman, it's fine!"

"Kill, kill them soon. Without killing them, we will die."

"Hurry up, report to your superiors, you need rescue, you must kill these female soldiers, if you don't kill, our people will be killed ..."


When the battle was halfway through, the talents on Guoyongjun's side really reacted to understand that these female soldiers really couldn't be underestimated, they were really too strong.

They fought against the soldiers on Jun Mohan's side, and the fighting between men was not so fierce.

And they also killed those teams, and did not expect these women to be so powerful.

Even if they are not willing to admit it, they have to admit that these women are terrific.

What they don't know is that the Overlord Flower team was born of a female killer and was finally woven into a team. The killing on them was not comparable to ordinary people.

And they are not afraid of life and death, they trust their companions who are willing to deliver their lives.

This way, other teams can't compare.

Guoyongjun's team, although they are also elite team of Guoyongjun, they can be strong, but they are afraid of life and death, they will not trust their companions so much, and their cooperation will not be so tacit.

Only this way, he was easily injured and broken by the Overlord Flower team.

"Sisters, kill these people and protect my country!"

"Protect my country!"


For the Overlord Flower Soldiers, the country of the master Feng Sujin is their country.

Because Feng Sujin saved all of them and made them come back to life, they were fully loyal to Feng Sujin at that time.

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