Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin now feels that the fist is big!

She will not go to innocent people for no reason, but if she dares to make trouble, she will never show mercy.

Feng Sujin held her hands in this way, and looked at the group of people lazily and indifferently, as if watching ants.

Are these people making trouble? Just give her gas.

She is very upset now, so she is lazy to talk nonsense.

Feng Sujin's sudden appearance, and her sudden movement, made everyone stunned.

Including the guards.

They also all stared wide. Why did Madam come out?

But they had to admit that Madam Young's foot was really handsome and cool.

They worship and worship, and their hearts are dark!

The woman who had just been vomited and vomiting blood had the loudest voice, the ghost wailed and made a rumor.

At this moment, everyone's attention is focused on Feng Sujin.

Everyone has to admit that Feng Sujin at this time was extremely powerful and extremely cool.

She has the demeanor of a superior, making people obliged to worship and obey.

Those who are in trouble are also unable to respond.

They went to see Feng Sujin, only to feel swept away by Feng Sujin's eyes, the whole body seemed to be blown by the cold wind, and the back was a bit cold.

"This is Feng Sujin. She just killed and killed ... Ah ... I'm not alive ..."

"What other future queen did you use to kill the people ..."

"Ah, it's vomiting blood, people will not die ... so cruel ..."


One person started crying, the others who were in trouble followed the unwilling accumulation of ghosts and howled.

Feng Sujin rubbed her ears with one hand and sang loudly, "Give me all!"

What she wanted was to let these people get out of hurry, so as not to affect her husband's sleep.

One of them looked at Feng Sujin unbelievably, "You ... you ... you even ..."

Feng Sujin's eyes sharpened, and a lunge appeared in front of the woman, reaching out and breaking her hand.


The woman shouted in pain.

But this pain was not as painful as she was afraid of. She felt stared at by Feng Sujin's cold eyes, and she seemed to be dead.

She shuddered involuntarily, she didn't know why, Feng Sujin had such a strong evil spirit.

Yes, it's wickedness. An ordinary woman can't resist it.

I just felt stared at this look, there was a murderous feeling, she seemed to be in Shura field all at once.

What she doesn't know is that Feng Sujin has experienced so many things, coming all the way from the battlefield, and the momentum she possesses is not something that ordinary people can resist.

Even in the face of thousands of troops, Feng Sujin can definitely override it.

Feng Sujin threw the woman and glanced at the troubled humanity: "I'll say it again and get out of the way, otherwise, don't blame me.

"Why are you doing this to me, and why?"

"Why? Who do you show to one by one? For me, you little tricks, I can solve it by force. Why can I rely on me to be better than you?"

Feng Sujin said, the corner of his mouth evoked a cold and charming arc.

Everyone felt that she was surrounded by a dark atmosphere of Shura.

The trouble was originally encouraged. They just felt that Jun Mohan and Feng Sujin would have to win the hearts of the people if they wanted to master the power of the empire.

And they have been following the people-friendly route.

Making them feel bullied instinctively is to get the benefit of being encouraged.

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