Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

When they were organized to cause trouble, when they were agitated, they also felt that Jun Mohan and Feng Sujin were close to the people, and they would love the people like Guoying kings and queens of the year and would not do anything.

They may still be comforted.

But they thought wrong. Jun Mohan and Feng Sujin have experienced so much, their hearts are soft, but they are definitely not bullying.

So when they heard Feng Sujin's words and saw Feng Sujin's reaction, these people were timid.

They dared not speak, they could be encouraged, in fact, the grass on the wall fell in the wind.

They still cherish their lives, especially looking at the one who was kicked to the wall, vomiting blood and passing out. They don't know how long they have to lie in bed. Can't they survive?

There was also the man with the broken hand, who was still kneeling on the ground at the moment, and was in pain, tears and snot came down and couldn't bear to look directly.

In particular, Feng Sujin's eyes were the same as searchlights, not right, not searchlights, just like Han Bing. When they were stared at, they froze. They didn't know why they felt this way, they felt that Feng Sujin was too scary.

The guards' worship of Feng Sujin took another level, and his eyes were all glistening.

This is the domineering future queen!

Domineering, amazing!

They are willing to obey allegiance.

The onlookers looked at Feng Sujin with excitement. In fact, they liked such a domineering queen and felt very powerful.

And just now this group of troublemakers are crying, when others are stupid!

Obviously it is trouble.

They are ordinary people with knowledge and knowledge.

They came over and watched just to see how this matter would be handled.

Just boring to see the fun.

But the performance of the future queen still looks like it makes them feel cool, they are all passionate!

Such a queen can better govern the empire, and will not let the empire have war again!

Everyone understands that a true superior needs domineering.

Feng Sujin's image has been good before, so what she does, everyone will love her and think she is right.

Feng Sujin looked at the "people" who were still in a daze, and continued sternly: "I'm saying it again, get out of here. If you don't leave again, you will continue to make trouble and act at your own risk!"

Feng Sujin doesn't want to waste time. The first thing she must consider is to let these people quickly leave the palace, so that Jun Mohan can take a good rest and be unaffected.

Her husband has not taken a good rest for several days, and no one knows how distressed she is.

What Feng Sujin said, coupled with her imposing look, made people scared.

These people hadn't responded yet, and their bodies went out automatically one step at a time.

It ’s fast, you do n’t have to think through your brain.

The guards looked at the reactions of the crowd, and admired Feng Sujin really for five bodies.

They have been persuading them for so long that they do not work.

As soon as Mrs. Young came out, a few words of work would be dealt with?

Seeing the lively people is even more radiant, and there is a feeling of holding out their hearts.

When these troubled people were about to leave, one of them shouted, "Did you forget that your loved ones were killed inexplicably? You just entered here and then you didn't come out."

The voice was very young, but it was deliberately low-humid. She had hidden it well before, and Feng Sujin didn't notice it.

Hearing this sound at the moment, the corner of Feng Sujin's mouth evoked a cold arc.

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