Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Upon hearing Feng Sufei's words, Feng Sujin's heart was completely calm, and her face suddenly condensed. She smashed the pen with her fingers and folded the pen in her hand into two sections.

Feng Sujin gritted his teeth and said a few words: "What a residual blood house!"

Everything points to the Blood Remnant Tower!

She must not let go of the Blood Tower.

All search targets must be concentrated on the upper floor of the residual blood.

Feng Sujin feels like a bit of silver teeth.

For a moment, Feng Sujin's eyes condensed a storm-like atmosphere, which was a force of massacre.

Feng Sujin is an elder sister and has been protecting Feng Sufei since she was a child.

She was injured herself, and she would not hurt her sister a little.

Moreover, Feng Sujin has always been dependent on Feng Sufei after her parents' accident, so she is very protective, especially for her loved ones.

Today, her relatives are her sister and father. If the sister and father are both stared at by the Remnant Tower to be hurt, she will be the first to let go.

What about Canxuelou, she wanted to find it out and died.

Feng Sujin now looks just like the female overlord and Shura.

But in the eyes of the younger sister, her older sister is all good.

Feng Sufei's eyes were all bright, her sister was really handsome and cool.

As everyone knows, when she was angry, she was also handsome and cool, and she was indeed a sister. In fact, they all had powerful powers inside.

Feng Sujin was talking to his sister video there, and Jun Mohan was sitting next to the study.

Looking at himself completely ignored by Feng Sujin, Jun Mohan shook his head and laughed.

Although he was not at the computer, he heard what their sisters said.

A faint and complicated light flashed in his eyes.

It seems that he needs to send more people and more forces to investigate all the news of the entire Blood Tower.

Any danger, he will be destroyed, even if the residual blood tower, if threatened Feng Sujin, he will be destroyed.

In fact, the forces cultivated by Jun Mohan are layer by layer, far exceeding everyone's imagination.

He will not use that wave of power until the time of the moment.

However, if Feng Sujin is in danger, Jun Mohan will mobilize all the forces that have been cultivated step by step.

Perhaps Jun Mohan cares about Feng Sujin, maybe even Feng Sujin himself doesn't know it, only Jun Mohan himself knows it.

Also, is Feng Yiyuan really looking for clues back then?

Is it related to Feng Sujin's mother?

At this moment, when Jun Mohan was thinking about these things, he suddenly felt the cold chill in the air.

He suddenly turned to look at Feng Sujin.

He looked at Feng Sujin with distress.

He walked over and patted Su Sujin's shoulder gently, soothing softly: "Ajin, don't be angry, control your emotions, everything will be resolved, and talk to your sister well."

What Feng Sufei saw in the video was Jun Mohan's side face.

"Ah ... brother-in-law ... is it brother-in-law?"

When Feng Sujin heard Jun Mohan's voice, the ice in her heart seemed to be melted at once, and her anger was melted.

She looked at Feng Sufei in the video, then turned and stretched out Lajun Mohan's sleeve. "Sister, say hello to you!"

Feng Sufei saw her sister's movements and expressions at that end, and suddenly felt very relieved.

Her eyes were red and hot.

She knew that her brother-in-law would always be nice to her sister.

Seeing her sister's unconscious coquettishness, she knew.

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