Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sufei thought, she can deeply understand the degree of dependence on Nanrong Huaian.

In the past, when she loved Nan Rong Huai'an, she would not coquettish with Nan Rong Huai'an when she was insecure.

She always reminded herself to be strong and strong inside.

At that time, she did not dare to rely on Nan Rong Huai An and did not dare to love without reservation.

But now, after confirming that Nan Rong Huaian's true feelings towards her, she can feel the love that Nan Rong Huaian gave her and give her a strong sense of security, then she will coquettishly rely on her like a little woman.

So you can see what a woman looks like.

At that moment, Feng Sufei saw the change in her sister's look.

Almost immediately after Jun Mohan's appearance, her sister Feng Sujin's expression softened involuntarily.

And her anger disappeared instantly.

So Feng Sufei knew that Jun Mohan could give her sister happiness.

She actually thanked the brother-in-law and admired him from her heart.

She also regarded Jun Mohan as a loved one from her heart.

"Brother-in-law, hello ..."

A brother-in-law, from the earliest time, she shouted with no sense of discomfort.

As long as she truly treats her sister, she is her relative.

Listening to Feng Sujin's words, Jun Mohan also pointed at the computer's head, and waved to Feng Sufei on the other side, "Hello, your sister has been thinking about you, thinking of you, you have to take care of yourself Do n’t worry about anything. We are loved ones and we will always solve all problems together. ”

Jun Mohan's words are comforting to their sisters.

Feng Sufei smiled at Jun Mohan, "Thank you brother-in-law."

Both Feng Sujin and Feng Sufei understand the meaning of Jun Mohan's words, and the problem of the Blood Remnant Tower will be solved.

As long as they are united!

Feng Sufei will join hands with her sister.

Feng Sufei talked about something again.

The two sisters chatted.

Feng Sujin can understand something from the line of words. She comforted Feng Sufei and asked her to be a queen in country h. They can also video in the New Year.

Feng Sufei talked about Nan Rong Huaian, and she smiled in the eyebrows. She said that when Jun Mohan and Feng Sujin came to the ceremony, she would go back with Nan Rong Huaian.

Feng Sujin was relieved when she heard that Nan Rong Huai An had spoken many times from Feng Sufei's mouth.

Knowing that there is such a person around her sister who loves her, she can rest assured.

"Sister, we will join forces to fight the invincible world."

Listening to the words of her sister's lofty aspirations, Feng Sujin smiled: "Okay, no one can bully us, bully our loved ones and family in the future."


After waiting for the video, Feng Sufei wiped the tear marks on her eyes.

Really happy.

She has to be lamented in the present era. In fact, it is really good to have such a communication. Although the communication has been there for a long time, when the loved ones are far apart, they can also meet through video to talk and feel really good.

Feng Sufei looked at the time, it was almost evening.

She said so much to her sister.

She remembered Nan Rong Huai An and quickly ran back to Nan Rong Huai'an's ward.

When Nan Rong Huai'an saw Feng Sufei appearing in the ward again, his heart trembled fiercely.

An inexplicable mood was flowing.

His Sufi ...

He thought that Su Fei had gone to the mainland of China. This afternoon, his heart really didn't taste good.


Nan Rong Huai'an's voice was slightly hoarse.

Looking at Nan Rong Huai'an's look, Feng Sufei's smile converged. I don't know why. Such Nan Rong Huai'an made her feel indescribable, just distressed.

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