Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan knew that when Feng Sujin's blue Phoenix seal was lifted, she would remember everything.

He knew the character of A Jin in his family, that was not something he could pretend to be.

If she had too many things in her heart, she would think all day long and add a lot of annoyance to her own heart.

So Jun Mohan was unwilling to let Feng Sujin worry too much.

Feng Sujin blinked, and looked carefully at Jun Mohan's eyes. He couldn't see clearly.

When her husband was deep, she didn't know what he was thinking.

Feng Sujin muttered, "You don't tell me anything."

"It's not that I don't tell you. It's useless to say something. It's not important. Memories of childhood are not important. What's important is that now you are my wife."

Feng Sujin felt her mood brightened because of Jun Mohan's words.

Feng Sujin's eyes had a bright light, and said slightly coquettishly, "You are too coaxing."

Jun Mohan held Feng Sujin on her body, kissed her lips, and said softly between her lips and teeth: "It's not to coax you, but to love you ..."

Next, Jun Mohan didn't let Feng Sujin think about it at all, he snatched her breath with a domineering kiss.

A kind of love naturally goes on.

The temperature inside the room is getting higher and higher, only Feng Sujin's breathing sound, tenderness ...

Of course, under her strong affection, as she enters the cloud, her mind is blank, she can't remember anything, she can't think about anything.

Jun Mohan looked at Feng Sujin tired and fell asleep. He sighed in his heart and kissed the corner of Feng Sujin's lips.

"No ... so sleepy ..."

"Sleepy, just go to bed and don't bother you."

Feng Sujin grunted and fell asleep.

The next day, Jun Mohan was planning to take Feng Sujin to Beiquan City.

But early in the morning, he received the urgent news, which was the news that Yue had no intention.

He knew about the problem of the dream country before, because if there were no problems, the number of people would not be so many in the dream country.

And so much military power was hidden.

Although Yu Mengguo was later liberated by Feng Sujin, they have been sending people to stare at Yu Mengguo.

The Lingyue clan borders Yumeng Kingdom, and Yue has no intention to understand all the pharmacology. He and Ran Qiulan have joined forces completely.

So for the dream country, Jun Mohan has been letting Yue carelessly.

This month's unintentional news is indeed very important.

He found the wreckage around the former cave, and after months of unintentional inspection, he suspected that this was the ghostly wreckage behind Hou Lijin.

He suspected that the leaving marks had appeared here.

After Jun Mohan contacted Yueyin by phone, he tapped his finger gently on the desktop, and he was thinking.

If the waiting mark really appeared in the dream country, why can't find any figure and clue about him.

Could it be that he disappeared in a dream country?

The more Jun Mohan thinks, the more his look will condense, waiting to leave the mark!

He felt that it was necessary for him to revisit the dream country.

But if you go back and forth, you may not be able to take A Jin to Beiquan City for a few days.

Jun Mohan felt a pain in his mouth.

He really wanted to accompany A Jin to do what she wanted to do, and no longer worry about it.

However, where he and A Jin are, they have a lot of things to do and cannot shirk their responsibilities at all.

And in order to protect the beloved, to protect the people of this country, he must deal with some things.

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