Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan sorted out many things, then came to the bedroom and walked to the bed.

He looked at Feng Sujin who was still asleep, and looked at her peaceful sleeping face, his heart calmed down.

His eyes were filled with a gentle light.

Only Feng Sujin can make Jun Mohan's tempering into soft fingers.

Jun Mohan looked at Feng Sujin with such affection.

He had a sigh in his heart, and really wanted to just look at her like that and hold up a blue sky for her.

He wanted to let A Jin be in the imperial capital first.

But before he got up, Feng Sujin vaguely felt the breath of Jun Mohan, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Feng Sujin, who had just opened her eyes, was still a little confused, just like a little girl.

Looking at her like this, Jun Mohan couldn't help laughing.

Only his A Jin can warm his heart and make him willing to be filled with love.

Otherwise, the bottom of his heart would have been devoured by darkness.

"Woke up?"

Hearing Jun Mohan's voice, Feng Sujin saw Jun Mohan by the bed, stretched out his hand, and wanted to hug him.

Jun Mohan's eyes, with the light of coquettish drowning, leaned over and hugged Feng Sujin, "Will you sleep for a while?"

"what time is it?"

Jun Mohan raised his watch and looked at the time of the watch. "It's half past eight."

"Well, enough sleep, not sleep."

Although saying so, Feng Sujin almost held Jun Mohan very hard with both hands, as if he was going to lie down in Jun Mohan's arms.

Jun Mohan is helpless, but he is also willing to spoil Feng Sujin.

Feng Sujin felt Jun Mohan's silence this morning, her expression changed slightly, "Mo Han, have you received any news?"

Feng Sujin and Jun Mohan have been together for so long, and the relationship between the two is so deep.

She still knew something about Jun Mohan.

She also has a strong sense of perception.

It was almost speculation that caught the point.

Jun Mohan sighed helplessly in his heart, some things could not be concealed from Feng Sujin.

Jun Mohan told Feng Sujin about the news sent by Yue.

Feng Sujin suddenly stood up.

At this moment, Feng Sujin seemed to change a person at once, from a little girl who had just been lazy and coquettish and dependent on others, to become a fierce goddess.

Feng Sujin's eyes narrowed dangerously, "Are you waiting to leave the mark? His people have even appeared in the dream country, that is to say, he may also appear in the dream country, let's talk about the problem of the dream country, maybe the most important thing is not Those military weapons are not the drugs, but the place of dream country ... "

Speaking, Feng Sujin's eyes flashed suddenly: "Mo Han, I think we may have overlooked some things in the dream country, so we have to explore."

Feng Sujin meant that she would also go to Dreamland with Jun Mohan.

"I wanted to see it alone, you are in the capital."

Feng Sujin shook her head decisively, "I want to be with you."

Feng Sujin said this sentence, his eyes flashed a firm light.

There are so weird things hidden in the dream country. She can't rest assured that Jun Mohan will go alone. She will accompany him.

Then she can rest assured.

Jun Mohan sighed: "A Jin, I wanted to accompany you to Beiquan City."

Feng Sujin said openly: "The city of Beiquan has been there all the time, we can go at any time, we don't tangle with these small issues, let's pack up and start."

Feng Sujin has always been like this, and has never been vague on key issues.

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