Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan looked at Feng Sujin's fierce fire, but he was helpless, but he admired her.

There is always a charm in her that makes him unable to love.

It seems that I love her more every day.

Feng Sujin said, so she got up and started packing herself.

On weekdays, when she went to the bathroom to wash, she was all inked, and she was not in a hurry, as if she was doing things to pass the time.

But this time, Feng Sujin quickly washed her hair and tied her hair up. The whole person looked much more capable.

Feng Sujin came out of the bathroom, quickly changed his clothes, and changed into sportswear, but the inside was strong and easy to move.

Feng Sujin almost completely armed herself.

Jun Mohan watched Feng Sujin look like a different person, shook his head helplessly.

"Are we ready to go?"

Jun Mohan took Feng Sujin and hugged him in his arms. "Don't be so anxious, you haven't had breakfast yet. I will arrange an airplane. We will leave after you have breakfast."

For Jun Mohan, no matter how urgent it is, he must also allow Feng Sujin to eat on time, especially breakfast is very important and will affect his health.

In Jun Mohan's heart, the most important thing is not more important than Feng Sujin's health.

"I can eat on the plane."

Jun Mohan shook his head, "No!"

Jun Mohan is very fond of Feng Sujin in some things, and can almost be said to be unconditionally pampering Feng Sujin.

But he insisted on some things.

Feng Sujin also knows that if Jun Mohan is arrogant and stubborn, she will say nothing.

She can only eat breakfast quickly.

After having breakfast, the two took a party and boarded a plane to dreamland.

Feng Sujin was not idle on the plane.

She took out the map of Dreamland again and began to study.

Although she was familiar with the maps of Yumeng Kingdom, she was able to draw them quickly in her mind.

But she was still looking carefully, trying to find the loopholes.

Jun Mohan watched Feng Sujin look so serious, took the map and folded it.

"I haven't finished watching it!"

Jun Mohan's brilliant eyes locked Feng Sujin's eyes, "A Jin, be good, take a break, you haven't rested since you woke up in the morning."

"I want to solve all the problems early so that we can be at home and not have to run out."

Feng Sujin thought that she wanted to have a child with Jun Mohan who they loved.

How happy the family is.

But before that, we must deal with all these remaining things.

Jun Mohan listened to Feng Sujin's words, his heart softened, "Ajin, I'm sorry to make you work so hard?"

Feng Sujin shook her head. "No, I'm very happy to be with you. I just don't want to experience the turmoil in those countries before, and I won't allow you to leave."

"I won't leave."

Feng Sujin stubbornly took out the map in Jun Mohan's hand, and found the place where the wreckage ghost charmer remains, and then centered on this, radiating around and began to find problems.

"Mo Han, here, here, and here, we have to take a closer look, I think there is something wrong."

Jun Mohan looked at the three places pointed out by Feng Sujin, and suddenly he moved.

"what happened?"

Jun Mohan said in a deep voice: "I only found these three places, and then connected the surrounding mountains, plus some auxiliary power, it is likely to be a formation."

"What array?"

Jun Mohan condensed, saying one word at a time: "Teleport!"

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