Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan feels that sometimes his emotional control is not good, and deep waves will rise in the bottom of his heart, just like a flood pouring down, which is not his control.

At this time, he just wanted to hold Feng Sujin like this, and always held it, even if he knew that there was a ceremony today, he didn't want to let go.

Feng Sujin felt that Jun Mohan's mood was particularly strange this morning.

Is it because of the ascension ceremony?

Feng Sujin breathed calmly, holding Jun Mohan's neck, and said in his ear: "Mo Han, ascension ceremony, I will always be with you."

Feng Sujin knew that the heights were extremely cold, so how could she be willing to let her family stand alone on that seat.

She will be by his side.

Although Feng Sujin herself knew that from the beginning, she would accompany her husband, and she would never leave.

But some things still have to be said.

She knows that some feelings need to be expressed and kept hidden in her heart. If you don't say, how does the other party know?

When Jun Mohan heard Feng Sujin's words, there was a soft light under his eyes. He gently stroked Feng Sujin's hair, "Ajin ..."

Jun Mohan's voice was soft and gentle, and his eyes were intoxicating, as if he could drown.

Feng Sujin felt that the emotions in her body had been mobilized, and she couldn't help kissing Jun Mohan.

"It will catch fire."

"You hit me."

Feng Sujin let go of her mouth, and a little grieved, and looked at the time, it was too late.

Jun Mohan looked at the desire of Feng Sujin's eyes and knew that she wanted love.

As long as she thought, how could he not give it, he hated not being able to take out her heart to her.

Jun Mohan's eyes were extremely dark, exuding the most mysterious and charming light.

Jun Mohan's body was tense. He lowered his head in Feng Sujin's ear and said, "Did you think?"

Feng Sujin's legs were strong, as if a vine was wrapped around Jun Mohan's body, and then his hands and lips were used together.

She can be strong and cold outside, and can control all her emotions with reason.

But in the presence of Jun Mohan alone, she can indulge herself arbitrarily. She never conceals all her desires and all her love.

Jun Mohan looked down at Feng Sujin, felt her humidity, felt her need for him, and a wave of waves appeared in his heart.

This is a sense of satisfaction that is needed, love that is needed, and the waves in his heart can calm down.

Jun Mohan bowed his head and kissed Feng Sujin's cheek lovingly, then leaned to her ear, "Ajin, if you want, I will give you ..."

With the sound falling, Jun Mohan's fingers played all the melody on Feng Sujin's body as if playing a piano.

Feng Sujin's body bowed into a bow, and her breathing was quick.

She looked at Jun Mohan with a frown on her eyes, the emotion in her eyes was so obvious.

She loves her family gentleman. Because of love, she also wants to be with him in this way, feeling the deepest kind together.

This day is a very important day. As for the ceremony, maybe they also want to tell each other in this way that they love each other and will always be with each other.

Jun Mohan's technique is very crisp, this time, it seems that he will use the ultimate to give Feng Sujin all the happiness.

Feng Sujin has softened into a stream of water.

Qing Li's appearance was also instantly charming.

Jun Mohan is deeply in love and strong.

He kept looking down at Feng Sujin's look, feeling all her feelings, and he wanted to give her love and happiness.

Feng Sujin couldn't help but make a charming voice, and the rest of the sound went around, listening to Jun Mohan's ear, it really stimulated him.

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