Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan has been shouting Feng Sujin's name gently, "Ajin, my Ajin ..."

Feng Sujin exploded even before breathing.

To the intense darkness and emotion under Shang Junmohan's eyes, her heart trembled terribly.

I want to talk, but I find that my breathing is trembling. I can't say the whole thing at all. I can only make one tone.

Feng Sujin's watery eyes trembled lightly, and the eyelashes were trembling with waterdrops, which had a sense of weakness.

Such a wind Su Jin, so that Jun Mohan can not control.

Just want him to bully.

Jun Mohan's eyes were burning and enchanting, captivating.

The room was sloppy, and the two seemed to be one and the same.

This kind of love, on such a special day, is also their loyalty to the expression and expression of love.

In fact, sometimes it is because of such close contact that they have a deeper sense of security for love.

After Feng Sujin was completely satisfied, she looked like a camellia in full bloom, and was beautiful and beautiful.

Jun Mohan looked at Feng Sujin like this and sighed, "You are like this, I can't let go of you."

"Then don't let go."

When Feng Sujin said this sentence, he arched into Jun Mohan's arms, as lazy as a kitten, and his eyes were half narrow for a moment, as if feeling the aftertaste of love.

Jun Mohan was so glamorous and charming, because of the extreme love, his body was full of emotion and contentment, and his eyes were dazzled with charming colors.

When the two got up and got up, the time was just right.

Perhaps because they knew it was the ascension ceremony, their spirit was more sufficient.

Feng Sujin found that Jun Mohan, who was satisfied, had a touch of gentleness than usual, and had a gentle color between his eyebrows.

In this way, when he ascended the highest position, he should also be very popular!

In the morning, a special makeup team was waiting.

But Feng Sujin's clothes were worn by Jun Mohan herself, and the Phoenix headdress was also worn by her.

Sitting on a chair, Feng Sujin watched Jun Mohan carefully dress her with such a tedious queen costume and a phoenix crown. Her heart felt strangely delicate.

The heart was throbbing.

Obviously she and Jun Mohan have been together for so long and are very familiar with each other, but she will still be moved by such details.

Even if nothing is said, one look at each other can know the affection in each other's heart.

After dressing Feng Sujin, Jun Mohan let the makeup team come in to clean up Feng Sujin.

Jun Mohan walked out of the room, dressed himself, then called his subordinates and asked the Emperor's condition.

On this day, he must ensure safety.

When Feng Sujin was really packed, Jun Mohan turned around, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

He knew that his Jin was beautiful, but found that, in fact, she was the most suitable for the phoenix of the Xuanjun family.

Such clothes seemed to be born for her.

Jun Mohan has a feeling, as if Feng Sujin originally belonged to him.

Jun Mohan smiled tenderly at Feng Sujin, his eyes were so gentle, that was the look of a man looking at his beloved woman.

Jun Mohan reached out his hand slightly, "Ajin, come here."

In the gentle eyes of Jun Mohan, Feng Sujin stepped towards him step by step, walked to his side, and put his hand on his palm.

"Are you ready?"

Feng Sujin nodded hard, "Ready."

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