Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

At this time, Feng Sujin looked at Jun Mohan, and could see the affection at the bottom of his eyes, so intense, as if he could surround her.

She could not help thinking of her craving in the morning, her craving for love, and the intensity he gave, her face flushed slightly.

In fact, two people have not loved each other for so long.

After all, they have too many things to do, and his love and feeling are so strong, now Feng Sujin's heart is shaking.

Sometimes, she felt that she was actually a little fan of her husband.

In the face of him, she still has a dreamy girly heart.

Feng Sujin felt that her face was slightly hot, and she didn't dare to look at his eyes like this all the time, but felt that her heart was beating fast.

The ray of light in Jun Mohan's eyes was too intoxicating.

Feng Sujin didn't know what happened, and the fingers placed on Jun Mohan's hands were slightly sweaty.

When Feng Sujin didn't think about it, Jun Mohan forced her gently into her arms.

Jun Mohan gently embraced Feng Sujin and lowered her head in her ear and said, "Ajin, thank you for staying with me till now, and in the future you will also accompany me."

Jun Mohan's voice is very gentle and can drunk a person's heart, but when he said the last sentence, he was also overbearing.

Only deep inside Jun Mohan can he clearly understand how much he needs her.

He can't control this feeling, even if his self-control is strong, in the face of the beloved, the emotion can't be controlled, because this feeling has been integrated into the body and becomes a part of his life.

When Feng Sujin heard Jun Mohan's overbearing words, his heart trembled.

When I feel needed, I can actually feel the strong love.

Feng Sujin leaned her head gently on Jun Mohan's shoulder, "I will be by your side."

She loves Jun Mohan. How could she leave? It would be better to kill her if she left, so it may not hurt.

Jun Mohan heard Feng Sujin's answer, smiled gently, and touched her head: "Go, go to the palace."

"it is good."


Feng Sufei naturally accompanied her sister on such an important day, so Jun Mohan and Feng Sujin, as well as Feng Sufei and Nan Rong Huai'an, got on the helicopter.

Fly directly from the air to the land of the palace.

Although they are close to the imperial capital, they still come by plane according to the planning process set by Jun Mohan.

It would have been possible to live directly in the palace.

But Jun Mohan also takes Feng Sujin's habit into consideration. For her, maybe at the Jun family, she will feel at home and be at ease.

For the palace, he would accompany her to get used to it.

For Jun Mohan, it doesn't matter where he lives, what matters is where Feng Sujin is willing to live.

On the plane, looking down, you can see the red carpet streets around the palace, full of people.

Many people in the entire emperor's streets were sitting around the square waiting to watch the live broadcast.

Although you can watch live on TV at home, everyone still likes the festive atmosphere in the square.

Because the squares are full of lanterns, fireworks and firecrackers.

Although Feng Sufei is also a queen and has seen various occasions, today, she is proud of her sister in her heart.

"Sister, look at the many people below, who are waiting for your and brother-in-law's ascension ceremony. They are all looking forward to it. In fact, I look forward to your and brother-in-law's ascension ceremony." Originally belonged to her brother-in-law, but she kept her sister beside her in everything she did, so she could feel the love between them, so she could be assured of her sister and happy for her.

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