Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Jun Mohan and Feng Sujin looked at each other and smiled. They could see the warmth and emotion from each other's eyes.

Everyone's spontaneous enthusiasm made Feng Sujin's eyes slightly warm.

The clothes worn by Jun Mohan and Feng Sujin are so dazzling in the morning sunlight.

That is the noble demeanor of the superior, which makes people involuntarily surrender.

"King, queen ..."

You can hear the cheers and excitement of everyone, their mood at the moment.

After Jun Mohan and Feng Sujin went to the palace, the entire ascension ceremony began to broadcast live throughout the empire and even China.

Immediately afterwards, all heavyweights also came one after another.

And the messengers of the Chinese mainland also arrived.

But everyone finds out, why are the brands in front of them all the kings and leaders of the small countries and tribes of China?

Such a meeting made everyone understand more about the influence of Jun Mohan and Feng Sujin.

After 9 o'clock, the ceremony officially started, and the salute firecrackers followed.

Although it is daytime, fireworks still blow up in the air.

With the sound of salute fireworks and firecrackers, everyone's enthusiasm also reached a higher level.

That is reverence, admiration, admiration ...

In the hearts of many people, Jun Mohan and Feng Sujin are like mountains, like the spiritual pillar of an empire.

Everyone watching them was as if reassuring, so that everyone could see the peace and prosperity of the empire.

When you saw Jun Mohan and Feng Sujin, the kings of the small Chinese nations and the leaders of the tribe, everyone also seemed to see the peace of the entire Chinese mainland.

How can this not be exciting.

Especially those who have experienced war chaos, understand the importance of peace and are more willing to cherish peace.

Jun Mohan began to speak to everyone in the microphone, and gave an opening speech, telling everyone aloud that from today on, the entire empire still reverts to the surname of Xuanjun, and the national flag once belonged to it again, and the songs of the empire shook the hearts.

Jun Mohan gave Feng Sujin the microphone.

Feng Sujin also expressed her love for the country as a queen and what she is committed to do in the future.

Next, I introduced many heavyweights one by one and introduced them to the entire Chinese people.

Throughout the ceremony, all the representatives of Huaxia mainland expressed their loyalty and surrender ...

This means that the rights of the entire Chinese continent are unified, which means true peace.

Jun Mohan and Feng Sujin also announced the new national policy.

All political, economic, military policies ...

Every policy is for the benefit of the country and the people, and the people are more excited when they hear it.

Even the imperial capital could not come, and many people who watched live TV at home were cheering at home.

I can't help but go to the TV.

"It's really exciting, have you heard? The welfare of our elderly people has improved accordingly. No matter who we are, we don't have to worry about old age."

"And now the little children, from the beginning of school, the school will provide all the expenses, as well as all kinds of nutrition to eat, will supplement the children with protein, various nutrition ..."

"Also, every city has increased security and there will be national military patrols at night ..."

"Also, the price of the whole country has begun to be controlled ..."

"and also……"


Every policy excites everyone. It really benefits the country and the people. To be sure, these policies are completely considered for the people.

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