Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Kings of all ages have ascended to the throne and have never seen such a video.

In fact, what really touches people is true feelings.

The whole palace is quiet around, everyone is watching the scenes on the big screen intently.

Many people are crying silently.

Tears because of being touched.

They wept over the feelings of the king and queen.

Everyone can feel how difficult it is for them to go along.

Everyone feels that obviously they are not easily moved, but they are really moved by their kings and queens.

Such feelings make everyone blessed.

Watching this video, listening to what Jun Shao said, everyone understands that their king and queen have really experienced too much life and death.

Needless to say, as people, they cherish them.

When the video ended, warm applause erupted around the entire palace.

Everyone keeps applauding, because they are moved, maybe because of encouragement, maybe because of something else ...

In short, at this moment, everyone's voice from their hearts is to applaud.

For no reason, Jue ’s applause is perhaps the best voice at the moment.

The applause was all thunderous.

Even the people in front of the TV couldn't help crying and applauded.

The king and queen are so loving, they must be the best king and queen, everyone is looking forward to it.


The envoy officials around the wall of the palace also applauded, and everyone's hands applauded a little.

Lu Yunchuan, Hei Liuli, etc. also have some emotions.

This kind of love, this kind of feeling, can't be inserted by anyone, and can't be destroyed.

They were all moved and sent their sincere blessings.

Feng Sufei cried so much that her sister had suffered so much. It was not easy.

Fortunately, she all came over.

Feng Sufei felt uncomfortable and distressed her sister.

She was afraid that she would cry and affect her sister-in-law's ascension ceremony. She covered her mouth with her hands and tried not to make a sound.

But Nan Rong Huai'an was sitting next to her. This look made Nan Rong Huai an anguish. She reached out and gently stroked her back to help her calm her mood.


Tears moved by Feng Sujin.

Even if Jun Mohan wiped her tears constantly, she couldn't control her emotions.

It took Feng Sujin a long time to stabilize his mood.

If the occasion is not very important now, she would hug Jun Mohan regardless.

This is her gentleman, who always surprises her.

It turned out that he was always silent with her, he never left, never stayed away.

Feng Sujin was speaking into the microphone. She should have spoken, but she couldn't make any sound when she choked.

Jun Mohan has always looked at her with a gentle, watery look, as if she were all good.

Feng Sujin took a few deep breaths, and then said to the microphone, "I'm sorry, I have some emotional control."

When saying this, Feng Sujin also choked, as if with a lot of energy to speak.

But everyone was moved. Everyone heard Feng Sujin's words of such true temperament and applauded her and encouraged her.

Jun Mohan also reached out and gently patted Feng Sujin's back.

Feng Sujin laughed and shed tears: "I really didn't know there was such a video, and I didn't know. It turned out that all the bits and pieces of Mo Han and I were recorded so clearly. I don't even know these photos When was it taken ... "

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