Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

At that time, when Feng Sufei wanted to do something, Nan Rong Huaian held her back. "This is when your sister and brother-in-law show their strength, they need to deter the entire Chinese continent."

Feng Sufei was puzzled. "Isn't the ability of my elder sister and brother-in-law already shocked everyone?"

"No, many people just heard about it and haven't really seen it. Now the cameras for live broadcast are all there, so that everyone in front of the TV can see it with their own eyes. It is really deterrent."

As soon as Feng Sufei thought about it, she understood that she had to sigh that Nan Rong Huaian really has the most keen observation of politics.

Although she is a queen, her response is still not as good as Nan Rong Huai'an.

Everyone's heart was settled after everything was resolved.

When Jun Mohan and Feng Sujin said to everyone, "It's safe."

The people lying on their backs stood up, and at the same time they made a sound from their hearts, "King, queen, long live, long live ..."

In order to appease everyone, Jun Mohan announced on the spot that anyone who came to the palace to watch the show in person could receive the prizes they had prepared in advance.

Hearing the prizes, everyone forgot about the danger just now, and cheered.

At this moment, everyone's mood was completely calmed down.

This is the means of those in power.

Feng Sujin looked at Jun Mohan and had to admire him.

Why didn't she know that there were prizes?

Jun Mohan leaned slightly, and said in Feng Sujin's ear: "There is a gift for you."

Feng Sujin slightly pouted, he coaxed her as a little girl!

But she was really happy with this sentence.

After the ascension ceremony, the gate of the palace began to open slowly.

The trained guards stood in two rows to salute.

Jun Mohan and Feng Sujin walked into the palace from the red carpet.

The imperial officials and the emissaries of the Chinese continent subsequently followed the steps towards the palace.

Inside is Chao Tang.

The annual convention is held in the palace inside the palace, as is customary.

On weekdays, officials work in the political office building next door.

But the real pilgrimage and the ceremony were held here.

When many officials entered the palace here, they felt a lot of emotions in their hearts.

This is the real palace, not the palace in Hou Lichen. It's different.

This palace is the palace that has been passed down for thousands of years. It is the real palace of the Xuanjun dynasty. It has witnessed the life of thousands of kings.

Entering here seems to touch history.

At this moment, as everyone walked into the palace, the bell sounded again and again.

That's the bell of Yunde Temple!

The bell will ring only when something important happens in the empire.

The last time the bell rang, I thought Jun Mohan died.

When Feng Sujin heard the bell, her heart followed, and she couldn't help thinking of that time, her heart hurt.

She turned to look at Jun Mohan, and now he was beside her so that Feng Sujin was very content.

Fortunately, those are gone, and her husband is now beside her.

She must become stronger and hold on to all this.

For them now, the only threat is the Blood Remnant Tower!

Residual Blood Tower, she wants to solve.

Jun Mohan seems to know that Feng Sujin has emotional changes because of the bell. He reached out and held her hand, "Don't be afraid, I will always be."

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