Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

When faced with Feng Sujin, Jun Mohan is always good-natured and patient.

He sat down again, hugging Feng Sujin and said, "What do you want to say?"

"Man Han, we have to celebrate tonight, celebrating your ascension."

Jun Mohan smiled softly, "Okay, how do you want to celebrate?"

"I can celebrate as much as I want?"

Jun Mohan touched Feng Sujin's hair, "Well, you can do whatever you want, as long as you are happy."

Feng Sujin hugged Jun Mohan's neck and kissed the corner of his lips coquettishly. "I want to eat skewers, I want to go out to eat."

Feng Sujin would actually think of it. At the earliest time, when pulling Jun Mohan to eat at a street stall, the two were actually very warm.

At that time, eating a street stall was incompatible with Jun Mohan's identity.

But Jun Mohan will accompany her.

In fact, Feng Sujin has been content with Jun Mohan since she felt love.

She doesn't have such big ambitions, she just wants to spend time with her loved ones, live a good life, go shopping together, and eat and eat together.

There is also a child who will be nice.

At this time, Feng Sujin had such a strong emotion.

Jun Mohan's eyes flashed a soft light, naturally remembering the time in Beiquan City.

"Okay, let's go for skewers."

In fact, they can eat at home, but when they go out to eat, they feel different, they just enjoy the time of two people.

Like ordinary couples, go shopping and eat together.

Not as king and queen.

In fact, although Jun Mohan's identity is noble, his love to Feng Sujin is the love of a man to a woman.

Not the love of kings.

Feng Sujin originally wanted to call her sister.

But I heard the servants of the Jun family said, "Miss Er said that she wanted to visit the scenery of the Imperial Capital and went out with Mr. Nan Rong."

Feng Sujin smiled, "Let's go to the duo world too!"

"it is good!"

Feng Sujin was very tired. When she heard that she was eating skewers, she was hungry and suddenly excited.

She quickly changed her clothes, changed her hairstyle, and wiped her face.

"So, on the road, everyone should not recognize it."

She also wears the most ordinary clothes and is very casual. She drew some makeup on her face. It was the kind of woman who deliberately covered her looks.

Feng Sujin also pulled Jun Mohan and painted him a little.

But Jun Mohan's foundation is very good, and he is a man, not suitable for makeup.

And his unique temperament, wearing ordinary clothes, it is difficult to hide that temperament.

However, after Feng Sujin's whole, two people walked on the street, and others should not recognize their identity.

Feng Sujin and Jun Mohan shook hands and then went shopping.

Jun Mohan made a gesture to the dark, and the elite shadow guards started to protect in secret.

Although today, due to Jun Mohan's policy, major cities throughout the country will have guards patrolling to ensure safety, day and night, but Jun Mohan still allows the shadow guards to dispatch.

In fact, since everyone knows that there is a guard to protect security, many people ran out to play at night.

There are many people shopping and it is very lively.

This kind of excitement is what Feng Feng Sujin likes. When shopping, especially when walking at night, there are actually many people with a great atmosphere.

Feng Sujin blinked, "I haven't seen so many people shopping on weekdays! Is it because it's the ceremony today?"

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