Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

When Feng Sujin was puzzled, when she heard someone passing by, she was discussing there.

"Now that our king and queen are here, as well as the guards, the security is guaranteed. My parents can now rest assured that I am out to play."

"No, you didn't know that before, I figured it out at night, my parents are very strict, and now both of them are out to play."

"Haha, you don't know. When I went out, the elevators were full and everyone went out to play. The people who lived at home were also dispatched."

"It's better to be a new king. We have promulgated so many good policies. Even if it's not for this security, for the ceremony, we must celebrate the country."

"Ah, ah, speaking of this, the Queen's style today, have you ever seen it? I adore it so much, she is my goddess."

"The queen is really good, and this kind of queen can match our king. They are really dazzling, male goddess together."

"To be honest, before, my cousin was still thinking about entering the palace. Hmm, I couldn't compete with the queen, or see if she could compare with the queen? But watching today ’s ascension ceremony, watching that video She cried and shouted, No one can destroy such a relationship. "

"That is, whoever fights with the queen without control, we can spray her to death, without the queen's hands, let's do it together."



Feng Sujin walked slowly, listening to the conversation of a group of girls, and in her ears, there was a feeling of blood.

She felt the blood in her whole body boiled and moved.

In fact, you may not notice the little things you do, but when you hear them from others, you have a different feeling.


But some words made Feng Sujin look moved.

She reached out and poked Jun Mohan's palm, lowering her voice, "I heard that there can be multiple women in the king's palace backyard."

Jun Mohan heard the sour taste in Feng Sujin's tone. He firmly held Feng Sujin's hand and said seriously: "Only you, no one else."

"You must not have anyone else, I will kill them all."

Hearing Feng Sujin's domineering words, Jun Mohan was very happy. He smiled, "It's enough to put one here."

In fact, if it wasn't for those people's conversations, Feng Sujin would have forgotten that the status of a king is the highest and he has special rights in the country. There can be many women in the backyard.

In other words, a king can have multiple women.

Although Feng Sujin believed in Jun Mohan very much, her heart was still sour and uncomfortable.

She just wanted their family in the palace, she and Jun Mohan, and their children.

At this moment, Feng Sujin strongly wanted a child with Jun Mohan.

But for now, it may be necessary to resolve the residual blood tower as soon as possible.

Song Qiuyin hadn't woke up yet, and the people sent out investigated the news of Canxuelou, and only a few pieces of news were brought back.

So the most critical person is Song Qiuyin.

I hope she can grasp a lot of useful news.

It is also known that there is also the danger of uncertainty in the future, so she can enjoy more cheerful time with Jun Mohan, and enjoy more.

The two walked in with the flow of people and stopped in a series of buildings.

"It's fragrant."

Looking at Feng Sujin like a little girl, Jun Mohan's eyes were spoiled with light, he pulled Feng Sujin into it.

Two people found a seat by the window and sat down.

They didn't know that they were noticed at a glance after Jun Mohan entered.

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