Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Especially the appearance of Qu Yaqin was so blatant and so aggressive.

Feng Sujin was really upset.

This made her realize that there are always women who want to grab Jun Mohan.

When she is awake, Feng Sujin will not reveal these fragile emotions, but she will be naturally drunk when she is drunk.

Jun Mohan embraced Feng Sujin, and his heartache was terrible. There was a very strong kind of heartache that dared to pervade him.

She didn't say it, he never knew that she would still be afraid of insecurity.

"Good, I'm yours, it's just yours, and I can't live without you.

Feng Sujin blinked, like a child asking for sugar, and asked, "Really?"

Jun Mohan bowed his head and kissed Su Feng's eyes, "Well, really, how can I be willing to lie to you."

Feng Sujin pulled Jun Mohan's hand and placed it on his own heart. "It hurts here, and no one else will appear."

"will not."

"Kill them."

"Okay, Jin, kill if you want."

As Jun Mohan continued to coax, Feng Sujin gradually smiled.

In fact, all the disturbances and all the restlessness are because of love.

With a sense of security, my heart will be at ease.

At this moment, Feng Sujin finally said the deepest thoughts in her heart, "Mo Han, I want a child, like your child, I will love him very much."

In fact, Feng Sujin really wanted a child with Jun Mohan.

Like Jun Mohan, she will love children very much.

Perhaps when awake, Feng Sujin will know rationally that this is inappropriate.

She will know sensibly that it is not suitable to have children when the blood tower is not resolved.

However, when drunk and dizzy, Feng Sujin will not consider what dangers and when it is appropriate or not.

She will only speak the most instinctual thoughts in her heart.

In fact, with the crystallization of love, love may be more stable.

Suitable for her and Jun Mohan.

Especially now that Jun Mohan is the king of the country, their children are the future of the country, not just for them.

Jun Mohan heard Feng Sujin's words, and he stiffened, his body stiffened.

It turned out that she kept thinking that he ignored her feelings.

Just give her what she wants.

As long as he guards them in the future.

Before, he considered the safety of Feng Sujin, fearing that she would be dangerous with her children.

Now that the empire has stabilized, the entire Chinese continent is stable. Within the Chinese continent, he can protect her and her children.

So at this moment, Jun Mohan also made a decision in his heart, that is, to have a child with him and A Jin.

He actually hoped to be a girl like A Jin, so he would pet her and give all the good things to their princess.

Yes, princess, his little princess, princess of the whole country.

Thinking, Jun Mohan's heart softened.

Suddenly, he seemed to want a child too.

"A Jin, well, if you want, we will."

Maybe this way, his Jin is more secure.

This sentence made Feng Sujin excited all over, even if she was drunk.

Feng Sujin was full of tears because of her excitement.

Her eyes were misty.

She is like a wayward girl, holding Jun Mohan, and let's start kissing on Jun Mohan's face.

"Love you, love you ... so happy ..."

Jun Mohan looked at Feng Sujin helplessly and drunk. She was really not drunk when she was drunk. "Well, just be happy, now let me wash you well?

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