Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin still has a smell of wine, so just let her sleep, she will be uncomfortable.

He is responsible for cleaning her.

Feng Sujin got Jun Mohan's answer because she wanted a child. She was in a good mood, dizzy, as if on a cloud, but what flashed in her mind was a kid like Jun Mohan.

So she quieted down. No matter how Jun Mohan moved, she was very cooperative.

In fact, Feng Sujin's wine is very good.

As long as she coaxed, she was as obedient as the little girl.

Looking at Feng Sujin's appearance, Jun Mohan's heart was full of ripples, and he had a very soft and soft feeling.

I wish I could just hold her and do nothing at this time.

Looking at the good-looking Feng Sujin, Jun Mohan couldn't help but think, if there is a girl like Feng Sujin, he is so good-looking, and looks like Feng Sujin, it is really good.

He actually looked forward to it.

Undressing Feng Sujin, Jun Mohan's eyes were dark, almost uncontrollable.

But he quickly settled down and then cleaned Feng Sujin.

Feng Sujin is dizzy and drunk, but still remembers some things.

"Mo Han, I remember last year ... not a year ago, when I was celebrating the New Year in Beiquan City, I couldn't see my eyes at that time, and you washed me ..."

Jun Mohan bowed his head and kissed Shu Fengjin's lips. It was really a sip of wine, but there was a mellow fragrance that made his heart drunk.

"You are my wife. At that time you made me look for you, and it was hard to find you. Naturally, I have to take good care of you and love you."

"You take care of me."

"Not hard, as long as you're by my side."

Jun Mohan still remembers how frightened and collapsed when Feng Sujin could not be found at that time.

At that time, he didn't believe she died in the Trans-Mountain Range.

That mood, he really didn't want to experience it.

Now that the entire Huaxia continent is in his grasp, he will no longer put his wife in any danger.

"Hug ..."

"Okay, hug ..."

"Who am you?"

Jun Mohan chuckled, "My baby, wife, my queen, my heart ..."

After listening to Jun Mohan's words, Feng Sujin giggled and smiled happily.

Even if you are drunk and dizzy, you can understand it.

With a smile, Feng Sujin was in tears.

Although she was a little drunk, she was also awake.

It is not easy for her and her husband to come to the present. Why can they let other women enjoy the rivers and mountains they have beaten? No one can destroy her relationship with her husband.

She must hold firmly.

Jun Mohan is as patient as taking care of a small child.

However, in the cleaning, Jun Mohan must also keep his mind steady. It is because the blood in the body will boil, and he will scream to love her ...

But at this time Feng Sujin was drunk and he really needed a rest, he couldn't toss her.

Wash Feng Sujin well, and Jun Mohan hugged her to bed.

After holding Feng Sujin and going to bed, Jun Mohan patted her on the back, "I fell asleep, eh?"

In this meeting, Feng Sujin actually had some soberness.

She turned and lay on Jun Mohan's body, blinking her clear eyes and staring straight at Jun Mohan.

Jun Mohan looked at bright and clear eyes such as Su Jin, and said, "Are you awake?"

Feng Sujin didn't answer, just lowered her head and directly learned the previous movements of Jun Mohan, and began to dial her husband.

All she thought was the word children.

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