Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

When Feng Sujin said these words, her whole body was chilling, and she shook slightly.

Because those memories as a child were too ingrained, those needles stuck to the body to draw blood were still so painful.

And mother, she thinks of her biological mother, she hurts a lot.

Her mother.

Her mother loved her so much that she almost sacrificed herself and let her mother take her away.

The mother who raised her is actually the worship sister of her biological mother, and also the confidant of her deceased.

Jun Mohan was holding Feng Sujin, stroking her back, and trying to warm her up. "Ajin, don't be afraid, I'm here."

When Feng Sujin looked at Jun Mohan, his eyes warmed up.

In fact, at that time, the mother knew Jun Mohan.

Feng Sujin was strange. At that time, Jun Mohan was only in his early ten years old. He was really powerful and strong, and he could save her.

At this moment, the flickering light in Feng Sujin's eyes was full of worship.

Many people in the empire knew that when Emperor King Junshu was ten years old, he killed all the terrorist forces with the strength of a young man, and became so famous that no one dared to mess with him.

In fact, Feng Sujin, who has a childhood memory, knows that time. It was said that it was a terrorist force. It was better for her. He turned on the killing mode and resolved all possible threats.

He was only ten years old at that time, and he did not hesitate to stain his hands with blood for her.

Feng Sujin thought, her eyes were red and her nose was sour.

She sucked her nose, and her greatest warmth was from Jun Mohan.

Feng Sujin tried hard to smile at Jun Mohan, but when she smiled, she felt like crying.

Jun Mohan really did too much for her.

In fact, he was carrying hatred at that time, he was so young, he would save her to protect her regardless of his life.

No one has ever done this to her.

People in the family are using her.

So how important this warmth is to her.

She was only a few years old when she was young, but she wasn't stupid. She knew as a kid that this big brother was good to her.

So at that time, after she died from that family, the person she adhered to was Jun Mohan.

At that time, he took good care of her, really.

As you can imagine, an eleven-year-old teenager struggles to hold a five-year-old girl.

He would hold her on his lap, and slowly teach her to eat normally, take chopsticks and spoons normally, let her slowly accept food, eat slowly, love food, love life.

Because when she was in Feng's house, she used to hang bottles and ate herbs.

Because those things can keep her blood pure and raise the power of blood to the highest level.

Only Jun Mohan knew everything, but always protected her.

Even if he knew that her blood would save him, he never mentioned that he would rather use her blood than die.

She used to follow him to the valley, his master's castle.

Once, she had accidentally heard what his master told him about the cold sacrifice, and the blood on her body could be saved.

He refused without hesitation at that time, and even prevented him from mentioning it later.

At that time, she was small, but since she was young, she has always been acquainted with warmth and warmth. In fact, she knew everything, and she knew that he was good.

So she kept sticking to him, and only he made her feel secure.

Feng Sujin smiled tenderly and gave Jun Mohan a gesture, "After you rescued me, I was very young when I was young, and I would hold a rag doll and stick it to you."

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