Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin shook her head decisively, "No, Su Fei, you can't go, didn't you listen? That was the killing of cascading kills, so that you could enter the innermost, and it was possible to contact the Soul Soul Tower and save your mother. Is that you? In the end, are our sisters crippled? "

This residual blood tower is a step-by-step killing, entering the innermost layer, and the people inside are inhumane, hands are stained with blood, and many of the most vicious people are in the residual blood tower.

Most of the people in international killing orders are there.

First of all, Feng Sujin was uneasy about going to her sister, and then, even if there were a thousand people selected, only one person could win, and the system inside was very harsh.

She didn't want to be finally persecuted by the system, two sisters had to die one.

That would make no sense to save the mother.

Jun Mohan and Nan Rong Huaian looked dignified.

Jun Mohan didn't want to let Feng Sujin take risks, but Feng Sujin insisted very much.

We stayed up all night and were arguing about it.

Finally, the plan was listed, and Feng Sujin insisted on going to the mainland blood tower.

Mother, she must be saved.

Feng Sufei didn't want her sister to take risks, she wanted to go to Canxuelou.

However, Feng Sujin used her elder sister's identity to suppress and used her order to make Feng Sufei compromise.

She even said that if Feng Sufei was not obedient, she would not recognize the sister.

Feng Sujin was very serious this time, and even made Feng Sufei almost cry.

Feng Sufei knew that her sister was good for her, but she could not make her dangerous.

When Feng Sujin became stubborn, it was useless to persuade others.


The next time, Nan Rong Huai An and Feng Su Fei had to return to country h temporarily to stabilize the situation, mobilize manpower, quietly entered the vertical and horizontal continents, ready to take action.

As long as the mother is rescued, they can work on the remaining branches.

Feng Sufei is ready.

And the other side

Jun Mohan took Feng Sujin to go through the mountains.

In an ancient cemetery across the mountains, Jun Mohan let Feng Sujin train.

"here is?"

"It's a burial place for the Witch."

Hearing this sentence, Feng Sujin was all blown up, and a thunderous thunder sounded over his head.

Witches are the most mysterious people in the world. They have been extinct for thousands of years. No one today knows where they lived or where their burial place was.

And even if you know the burial place of the witches, that ’s also a very dangerous place. Even if the witches are destroyed, there will be many restrictions, and no one can come in easily.

If you lose your life, you do n’t know what it will be.

For thousands of years, many people have talked about the Witch tribe, but none have been able to bring out the news alive.

Those who can survive are all lunatics.

Feng Sujin remembered that, at the earliest time, she passed through the dying blood army from across the mountains, and when she went back, the people she carried were also weird and died strangely.

At that time, she also fell into a cliff. If it wasn't for the cat, she might have died.

However, it seems that Blue Phoenix is ​​not so easy to die.

At that time, Jun Mohan couldn't find out the secret here, how can he find the witch burial place now?

Feng Sujin was puzzled, and blinked and looked at Jun Mohan in shock.

Jun Mohan handed the cat in his arms to Feng Sujin and said, "I'm waiting for you outside, and you're going to practice inside. To enter the blood-stained building where various spell abilities are gathered, you need to understand everything here , Come out alive, you will be fine with it. "

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