Young Master Jun’s 100 Techniques to Spoil His Wife

Chapter 1844: Can't forget the heart

Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Song Qiuyin said these things, and for the first time there was a severe pain. Since she escaped, it is almost impossible to have sober time.

Because the people in Canxuelou must be in control.

She is going to resist this manipulation.

She is not afraid of death, even if she is dead, she will bring news to Feng Sujin about her mother.

It can also be regarded as her make up, be regarded as her right style Su Jin.

Then she didn't want to be such a walking devil, an inhuman tool.

Then she might as well die.

In fact, when Song Qiuyin was persecuted by Liu Shiya and driven out of Beiquan City, at that time, the Song family was really gone.

At that time, she really realized what it was like to be warm and cold.

She really understood a lot of truth.

People are alive, and there should be warmth in human nature.

And she couldn't help Feng Sujin, just make up this time, at least she should tell Feng Sujin what she knows.

But she did not expect that Feng Sujin had saved her.

Song Qiuyin tried to keep her from being manipulated, trying to keep her awake a bit, and the blood spit out like this.

"Qiu Yin?"

"It's okay, I'm used to it."

Used to vomiting blood.

Song Qiuyin is looking for the clothes she was wearing before.

Because Song Qiuyin was full of blood before, when she was rescued, she was cleaned, but her things were kept.

When Song Qiuyin was given to her.

Song Qiuyin gave Feng Sujin the dress. "Burning it with fire, the map is inside. The map of the whole building of the Residual Blood Building. The branch is similar to the building. This is a road map that covers part of the mainland. Draw a little, it's finally drawn, here you are. "

Song Qiuyin said, as if giving a treasure to Feng Sujin.

I don't know why, at this moment, Feng Sujin looked at Song Qiuyin and wanted to cry.

"Qiu Yin, I will definitely save you."

Song Qiuyin shook her head, "It's good to see you alive again."

She has no loved ones and no home, the only warmth is Feng Sujin, a friend.

She knows that Feng Sujin is a kind of tough-minded person. No matter what time, Feng Sujin will keep the original heart and kindness.

"There is also going to the Residual Blood Building, which can only be a woman, and must be recognized. It requires ability to enter the innermost level and get more resources ..."

After Song Qiuyin said most of it, she still wanted to say, but she vomited blood when she opened her mouth.

Feng Sujin shouted anxiously, "Quick, save her."

Qiu Wenxun quickly put on silver needles, acupuncture controlled her.

Song Qiuyin's situation is too complicated. If she wants to keep her alive and find a cure for her, she can only keep her drowsy until she finds a way to relieve her.

Feng Sujin was a little weak all over. "That's all it can be."

Holding the picture, a deep wave appeared inside her, and she could not calm down for a long time.

It turned out that she had retained her last tolerance for Song Qiuyin, but Song Qiuyin brought her more.

This makes Feng Sujin's heart feel. In fact, sometimes people really can't forget their heart. Kindness and tolerance are right.

On the same day, four people began to study the Blood Remains Building all night.

Much of what Song Qiuyin said was very important to them.

It is consistent with the information of the Canxue Building that was previously inspected.

And now there is a breakthrough.

The map is also available, and my mother knows wherever she is, so the main building of Canxue Building must be broken.

Feng Sujin said firmly: "I go to Canxuelou."

"Sister, I will go too."

According to the news from Song Qiuyin, to enter the Residual Blood Building, only a woman can go in. To save her mother, she shot it herself.

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