Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin leaned on the stone wall, and constantly pressed various places of the stone wall in a panic, trying to find any organ and reopening.

The words in her mouth kept murmuring, "Jingrou, Jingrou ..."

She still can't believe it, is she really Jun Jingrou?

Will she read it wrong?

Although Jun Jingrou has no blood relationship with Jun Mohan, Jun Jingrou has always been protecting her as if she was her biological sister.

She really treats her as a sister.

What if it was really alive?

Feng Sujin has a lot of doubts in her mind, but the key is that she has to investigate now. Whether it is true or not ...


With this notice, Jun Mohan guarding outside, a spit of blood spurted out.

His cited soul returned to the body.

Just now, he felt a force of exclusion.

This power is Feng Sujin's original power, so he can no longer follow Feng Sujin in the ancient tomb.

Jun Mohan wiped the corners of his mouth, and a gleam of light flashed under his eyes, with a hint of doubt.

He couldn't guess what happened to Feng Sujin.

Jun Mohan was thinking about it again, and wouldn't think that Feng Sujin's blue phoenix mark actually contains the memory of thousands of years ago.

The blue phoenix came out in the millennium, and the blue phoenix of the millennium was also her.

Therefore, the breath that disturbed him was the original breath of Feng Sujin, the thought that existed thousands of years ago.

In this regard, Jun Mohan did not know.

Regardless of his ability, Jun Mohan couldn't find out what happened thousands of years ago.

Jun Mohan was injured because he was backswept.

But he couldn't care less about his injuries, he wiped the corners of his mouth.

He is most worried about Feng Sujin now, and he is eager to enter the tomb.

In any case, he must pull out Feng Sujin.

The reason he didn't follow Feng Sujin into the tomb at the beginning was that he was too confident.

He didn't even expect that Feng Sujin's original breath would pop out his soul power.

Taking a few breaths, Jun Mohan stood up and braced himself before entering the tomb.

It didn't take long for him to enter, and Feng Sujin just came out of it.

"A Jin ..."

Feng Sujin saw that Jun Mohan was real, and his whole body collapsed, then suddenly fell on Jun Mohan.

Jun Mohan quickly hugged Feng Sujin to take her out.

Feng Sujin was unconscious for a day and night, and Jun Mohan was completely angry.

The point is that it's not an ordinary tomb, it's a burial ground for witches.

It was his intention that Jun Mohan continued to blame, his eyebrows tightened.

Feng Sujin's situation is more complicated. Qiu Wenzheng could not detect the physical condition of Feng Sujin.

And even if it is the pulse, Feng Sujin's body seems to have a power to isolate all inquiry.

The instrument can't detect anything.

Yue Wuxin and Ran Qiulan made a trip and found no problems. It was just that the strength in her body was not stable.

"But according to observations, her strength is constantly increasing, her potential has been stimulated, her progress is rapid, her pulse is strong and strong."

Jun Mohan stayed beside Feng Sujin until Feng Sujin woke up two days later.

After seeing Feng Sujin awoke, Jun Mohan was relieved.

"Woke up?"

Feng Sujin looked at the last pair of red and tired eyes, and looked carefully to know that it was Jun Mohan.

She reached out and touched Jun Mohan's cheek. "How did you become like this?"

Jun Mohan sighed and kissed Feng Sujin's palm, "Worried about you."

Feng Sujin then remembered what happened in the tomb of the Wu tribe. Her face changed and she sat up suddenly.

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