Young Master Jun’s 100 Techniques to Spoil His Wife

Chapter 1850: Is there a resurrection?

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Feng Sujin grasped Jun Mohan's arm and said, "Mo Han, I saw a lot of things in the ancient tombs. Many people, I don't know whether it is hallucination or real."

"Don't worry, say slowly."

Feng Sujin brought many things together with Jun Mohan.

Listening to Feng Sujin's narration, Jun Mohan's expression condensed.

"You mean you saw Jingrou?"

"Well, I'm not sure if it's true, but in the tomb, I've seen the Wu tribe, and said that the kind of water crying beast is the maiden of the tribe. I was thinking that the person in the coffin was Jun Jingrou, what is the relationship between Jun Jingrou and the Wu tribe? "

Feng Sujin thought that her head was aching, and she rubbed her temples: "But I think Jun Jingrou is dead. At that time, the bullets penetrated her heart on the moat. That scene I have now You cannot forget it. "

Looking at the person who is her sister, her family is like that ... Feng Sujin remembers that kind of painful emotion.

In fact, at the beginning, Jun Mohan let Feng Sujin enter alone, also to exercise her own ability.

Because when he went to Canxuelou, he couldn't be by her side, so she needed to get used to solving everything by herself.

I just didn't expect that so many complicated things happened in the tomb.

However, listening to all the descriptions by Feng Sujin, Jun Mohan could feel that her strength had increased.

"Whether it is a fantasy or real, do n’t worry about it, because what we are trying to solve now is the Remnant Blood House, to save our mother. As for the Witch, maybe the entire race is destroyed, but the Witch people Maybe it will be resurrected. "


Feng Sujin struck a spirit, "Is there really a resurrection method in this world?"

Speaking of resurrection, Feng Sujin thought of the matrix formation that was destroyed in the country without forgetting the country when he crossed the mainland of China before.

That is the Resurrection Front, set by the Xiqiao family.

Jun Mohan's expression moved: "To be exact, it is not resurrection, but a method of concealment, a kind of mystery, and the Witch tribe has a lot of mysteries."

"That quietly she ..."

"If there are people living in the Wu clan, they have been around for thousands of years. If there are really people in the Wu clan, they can lift the magic on Song Qiuyin, and the blood canal control can be lifted.


Jun Mohan's remarks calmed Feng Sujin's heart and stopped thinking about it.

Indeed, what needs to be solved now is the matter of Canxuelou.

The key is to rescue the mother first.

"A Jin, I feel the breath that belongs to you, and this power may block a lot of breath, and it is related to you."

Feng Sujin didn't know what the original breath was, so she didn't understand, she just shook her head.

Jun Mohan sighed in his heart, "You are tired too, don't think about it, rest first and cultivate yourself."


When Feng Sujin was eating, she was thinking about that one, and that one that Jun Jingrou saw.

Especially when her eyes were open, her eyes didn't look like she could have them.

What those eyes said, bright and weird.

However, Feng Sujin did feel that her physical strength had increased a lot.

She was taken to Junlou for training by Jun Mohan. A few days later, she took the map and the things Jun Mohan prepared for her, and she really stepped into the land.

She is going to Hezongcheng, to the main building of Canxue Building, to save her mother.

Holding the building order of the Canxue Building, according to Song Qiuyin, Jun Mohan forged a referral letter for her, and entered the referral letter of Canxue Building.

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