Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin just learned that, in fact, the North Building was also glorious in the Canxue Building before, and their landlord carefully taught the disciples.

However, in the past few years, the building of Residual Blood has changed. The landlord does not know how to go crazy.

Then many disciples in the North Building went to other buildings.

Now in recent years, three people are guarding the landlord.

For them, the North Building Master is their master, who exists like their elders.

These people have been in the building for many years.

Feng Sujin knows that these three people can still stay in the North Building, and they are also righteous people.

"We have n’t taken on any tasks for a long time, and we do n’t arrange tasks for us in the building. It seems to be for us to take care of the host, but we think of tasks to make money and add some nutrition to the host. "

Feng Sujin looked at the three men, and they were just as skinny.

At noon, Feng Sujin went to the cafeteria for dinner with the three.

As soon as four people entered the cafeteria, they were ridiculed.

The vegetables they had just beaten were deliberately knocked out by the people next to them.

The food fell to the ground.

Feng Sujin couldn't help remembering that when she was in high school, the old lady Feng was harsh on her at that time, she didn't give any living expenses at all, and it was good to pay tuition.

At that time, it was not easy for her to come to the cafeteria for a meal. She cherished the food and did not dare to waste it at all.

At that time, she was also bullied, and this was the case.

At that time, she was incapable of anger and daring to speak, but could only forbear silently.

Today, Feng Sujin's eyes are condensed like a storm, wasting food.

Those people are still laughing and laughing, "Isn't this Wang Su? I heard that it is quite capable, and they have entered the interior building so soon!"

"Unfortunately, I didn't make good eyes and entered the North Tower."

"Oh, whoops, it's really careless. Who asked you to block the way and the food fell on the floor. I heard that you can't afford rice in the North Building. So, you can pick it up, pick it up ..."


Feng Sujin looked up at this group of laughing people, a group of women, so low in quality?

Or was it as cold-blooded and assimilated as the brainwashed by Canxuelou?

He Dongyan looked at the meals on the floor with distress. If it were not for the new members of the North Building, they would really be reluctant to come to the cafeteria to cook.

On weekdays, they can both save and save.

Ning Banlei took Feng Sujin's hand and said, "Wang Su, let's go back first!"

Shen Huaiqiao looked at the fist held by Feng Sujin, reached out and grasped her hand, and shook her head at her.

The North Tower has been reluctant to have the peace it is today.

Feng Sujin dragged open the hands of Ning Banlei and Shen Huaiqiao, took a step forward, and then a rotation of the sole of the foot, one leg split fiercely out.

With a click, everyone saw Wang Su and hacked out the person who had just knocked out her dinner plate.

And that's not enough, Wang Su chased directly, and two slaps hit him up.

It's so fierce that it makes people breathe coolly, but they can't return.

Many people were still laughing, but were shocked by this shock, and opened their mouths in the same place, and there was no movement.

There was only an exhaust sound at the scene.


The beaten man stunned, "You ... you ... oh, I'm from Nanlou, you dare to do something to my Nanlou!"

"No matter who I am, I dare to do it, commit it on my hands, and see if you don't fight, you will find teeth all over the place ..."

"Papapa ..." Feng Sujin said, and he began to open his left and right bows and beat his face, directly knocking out the person's teeth before letting go.

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