Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

At this moment, Feng Sujin felt that her understanding of the Residual Blood Building might really be nothing more than nine cattle.

Jun Mohan felt that Feng Sujin was not right. She reached out and gently held her hand. He could feel that Feng Sujin's fingers were stiff and cold.

The temperature on her followed a little bit cold.

This style of Feng Sujin made Jun Mohan distressed.

He always knew the danger of Canxuelou, but the weirdness and hidden darkness of Canxuelou had never thought of it.

Just a medicine for all the disciples in the Remnant Blood House is a fatal danger, not to mention anything else.

After Feng Sujin gradually calmed down his emotions, he said, "What happened to the many disciples in the Residual Blood Tower that disappeared? And were they killed? Why the blood is the same as it was drained."

Feng Sujin asked this, but in fact she had some suspicions in her heart, but she was not sure.

This reminded her of what Hou Lijin had said in the fantasy formation before.

She also reminded her of the capture of Wu Guoguo. So, Can Xuexuelou be associated with the Xiqiao family?

Feng Sujin settled down and continued: "Even when I went to the forbidden area at night, I could smell a **** smell, not during the day."

The wind is also far away: "I also know that the **** smell will always be strong at night, and Xiaoxu will burn paper for these people at night. If the judgment is correct, their blood is drained, also to feed some beasts in the forbidden area. Maybe it's another role, or maybe the medicine that makes people mutate is to make people's blood mutate. If it is useful, it is bloodletting and feeding. If it doesn't work, it is estimated that they will go out and perform tasks as a disciple, and then bring back an individual. "

Listening to these, Feng Sujin's mind suddenly thought of what Song Qiuyin said before, "What kind of power that Song Qiuyin said, is it just the ability to take these mutant medicines that people suddenly have?"



Jun Mohan didn't speak from beginning to end. He listened quietly, but the deep and complicated light flashed through his eyes. Things were far from simple as imagined.

What is that suction?

Why gave him a strong sense of familiarity.

It seemed to be a force he knew best.

It seems that we still have to observe again.


Feng Sujin is still discussing with her father, "Father, there was an old man in Beiquan City, but later came to Canxuelou. Her name is Song Qiuyin. She said she had seen her mother, said that her mother was not dead, but according to Map, I didn't find where my mother was in the forbidden area. "

Hearing this sentence, Feng Yiyuan trembled all over his body. He held Feng Sujin's arm, "Originally ... So it is ... No wonder, no wonder before, the entire Residual Blood House has undergone a major change, is it going to be holding your mother I changed the place. "

Feng Sujin is very excited, as long as she is sure that her mother is alive.

"Father, how did Canxuelou change? Maybe we can find our mother."

Feng Yiyuan drew a picture on paper in accordance with the previous appearance of Canxue Building.

Feng Sujin studied it, and then let Jun Mohan look, "Where are you in the forbidden area?"

Jun Mohan looked at him, and the light in his eyes grew darker.

Feng Sujin didn't know what Jun Mohan was thinking.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Feng Sujin's subconscious expression calmed.

Feng Yiyuan said: "Don't be nervous, it should be Xiaoxu back. She is called Miao Shenxu. She is a good girl."

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