Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin's eyes widened, and his whole body trembled, for fear he was wrong.

Is he really a father?

This man dressed as an old man is her father?

But I can't look wrong, even if I change my look, how can I not recognize my parents when I am a child.

Feng Yiyuan looked at Feng Sujin, his eyes were red, "Jiner."

This is his daughter.

Although Feng Sujin also changed his appearance, when the father called out, he looked carefully again and could not make a mistake.

Not to mention that it was brought by Jun Mohan.

It's his daughter.

It's been a long time since he saw his daughter, and he thought about it.

But before he can rescue his wife, he must hide himself.

However, Jun Mohan is very strong, and found his existence after coming to the Canxue Building.

Feng Yiyuan also had to sigh from her heart that this son-in-law was powerful.

The ability is very strong, exceeding his cognition.

With him guarding Jin'er, he was really completely relieved.

It's just that Jun Mohan ventured here, it was really dangerous.

Feng Sujin heard her father's cry, and her tears fell down.

Seeing his father look so old, when his daughter was sore.


"Ai ..."

Jun Mohan patted Feng Sujin's back gently beside him to help her calm down.

Feng Sujin talked to his father, only to know that his father had always been here to find the whereabouts of his mother.

At that time he faintly felt that his mother was not dead.

He searched for a long time, found some clues, and then found the residual blood upstairs.

It was mainly that Feng Sujin's mother and father had contacted by code at first. The father found some clues left by his mother a few years ago and found the residual blood house.

The danger of this organization is also very clear.

He also knew that only women could enter here, so he thought of many ways to pretend to be an old lady.

Fortunately, there is a kind girl in the kitchen of Canxuelou. He brought him in and asked him to grow and cultivate vegetables.

He secretly began to check the news.

However, the forbidden area is really tightly guarded. He has checked several times in secret, but he cannot enter, but it is easy to frighten the snake.

It was also after Feng Sujin's pseudonym Wang Su came in that Feng Yiyuan also knew, but he did not expect that this was his daughter.

He thought he was hiding deeply, but he did not expect that in the end, Jun Mohan came in and found him.

This made him very shocked and amazed by Jun Mohan's ability. At the same time, he felt a little relieved. This man is so powerful that his daughter is with him, and he can rest assured.

Moreover, Jun Mohan is so risky for Su Jin, regardless of danger, we can see how deep his feelings for Feng Su Jin.

In this way, his father can really rest assured.

Here, the three spies through the night.

Feng Sujin only knew what kind of energy medicine that the Blood Residue House had made, and that was not knowing what kind of blood was used to develop the medicine, which could mutate the human body.

This medicine that violates science and ethics actually exists in the Residual Blood Tower!

Feng Sujin's face paled, "No wonder when a man named Ding Hanlu became so strong when he was outside, he was mutated by taking this medicine."

Jun Mohan quickly found a mouse and gave the mouse the energy medicine.

Immediately afterwards, the mouse was constantly expanding, becoming larger and mutating. Over time, the mouse exploded.

When the mouse exploded, Feng Sujin looked very dignified, nothing was more shocking than seeing it with his own eyes.

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