Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin was pressed into Jun Mohan's arms. She could see nothing, but felt a flash of light, and then the suction disappeared, and she was taken out by Jun Mohan.

At this moment, Feng Sujin quietly looked up at Jun Mohan, and found that his eyes still flashed that demon-red light.

Every time she saw such eyes, Feng Sujin would palpitate, and she would not dare to move.

Because she would involuntarily think of him on the day of the Lingyue clan and the full moon night.

Feng Sujin had a lot of doubts, and didn't dare to ask more at this time. She stayed so rigid in Jun Mohan's arms that she couldn't move.

Suddenly, she didn't know where he was taken by Jun Mohan.

When she stopped, she was still in a daze.

Jun Mohan put down Feng Sujin, watching her not moving and not talking, realizing that something was wrong.

Jun Mohan's heart trembled, and he felt her hair worriedly and said, "Ajin, what's wrong? Is it all right?"

When Feng Sujin heard Jun Mohan's normal voice, she slowly returned to her heart.

She was really scared just now.

Fortunately, her husband is normal and his eyes have returned to normal colors.

At this moment, Feng Sujin breathed a sigh of relief, hugged Jun Mohan hard, and buried his head in his arms. He could all hear his heartbeat.

Feng Sujin muffled: "I was just worried."

When Jun Mohan heard Feng Sujin's words, his heart softened. He patted Feng Sujin's back gently and comforted her in a low voice: "It's all right, now it's safe."

Feng Sujin listened to the familiar voice, so gentle and soothing, made her miss and miss, and wanted to miss it.

She can obviously be strong enough, but every time in front of her husband, her heart is always fragile and soft.

As if she suddenly became a fragile little girl, she couldn't control this emotion.

She had an inexplicable dependence on her husband in her bones.

Looking at Feng Sujin like this, Jun Mohan is also distressed, I can't help rubbing her into her bones to take good care of her.

Feng Sujin breathed the breath of Jun Mohan deeply, and there was a feeling of greed, how could he not smell enough.

Since leaving Emperor Capital, she has been thinking about her husband every moment.

Seeing him suddenly today, she thought she was dreaming, but she was very excited.

After taking a deep breath, Feng Sujin gradually returned to his mind, and couldn't help but ask his inner question.

"This is the Remnant Blood Tower. How can you come in? Aren't you in the Imperial Capital?"

Jun Mohan sighed softly and kissed Feng Sujin's eyebrows gently, "I will explain to you later, and take you to a place first."

Jun Mohan took Feng Sujin to a vegetable garden in the mountain behind the Forbidden City, which contains a village courtyard.

The night was deep, and Jun Mohan quietly entered the room with Feng Sujin.

However, when entering, Feng Sujin found that there were layers of alert around.

It seems that there is also a guard of the Blood Tower.

However, Jun Mohan took her through the alert completely and was not found.

She hasn't found such a place for so many days in Canxuelou.

Hidden behind the forbidden ground.

"This is a vegetable garden that provides vegetables for Canxuelou."

Feng Sujin listened carefully, knowing that Jun Mohan would not take her to this place for no reason.

After entering the door, Feng Sujin looked at the person in front of her and froze, "Father ... Father ..."

Feng Sujin opened her eyes wide, fearing that she was wrong, but her father was far away and could not be wrong.

Is he really here?

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