Young Master Jun’s 100 Techniques to Spoil His Wife

Chapter 1880: Hallucinations? Mr. Jun

Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin has never been in the Blood Remains Building, and her heart has been mentioned, she can't find her mother right away.

However, it seems that there is too much forbidden ground in Canxuelou, and too many secrets are hidden. It is not easy to find a mother.

Moreover, although the map given by Song Qiuyin was useful, it could not find the mother's location immediately. There were too many forbidden locations.

Since Qiao Liuhua taught Feng Sujin their concealment of the ghost clan, Feng Sujin has been able to conceal his whereabouts in the night, even if the inside guard of the Remaining Blood Building is so tight, no one has found her presence.

But the closer you get to the innermost, the more you can smell a **** smell, very strong.

Strangely, when walking through here during the day, there was no such **** smell.

Or is it bleeding at midnight?

Feng Sujin was going to go in quietly, and found the skeletons one after another, as if they had been dried out.

Feng Sujin felt the fur all over her body.

She faintly felt that there was a secret in it.

No wonder there are so many institutions outside.

Feng Sujin couldn't help but want to continue to explore.

Just then, a figure quietly fell on her side and hugged her.

Feng Sujin's vigilance is very high. If it was someone else, she would have moved quickly.

But this breath is so familiar, it seems to blend into the soul.

You can't go wrong. In this world, she is most familiar with her most greedy atmosphere. Such a warm embrace belongs only to her husband.

Feng Sujin seemed to be stupid, and her body was stiff.

Isn't she dreaming?

She has really missed her family recently, so she has hallucinations?

But how can hallucinations occur when you are so nervous.

Jun Mohan lowered his head and covered Feng Sujin's lips to prevent her from making a sound.

Jun Mohan bowed his head in Feng Sujin's ears and said, "Be careful, don't make a noise, and don't touch the skeletons on the ground, that's the skeleton array."

Listening to Jun Mohan's words, Feng Sujin seemed to take a nap.

If it wasn't for Jun Mohan's reminder, she would have come across these things. Who would have thought that those who had been drained would be put into a formation.

"Because of this, there will be no defenses."

In fact, since Feng Sujin came to Canxuelou, Jun Mohan followed suit.

However, he hastily come and go every day, he can't stay here for a long time, otherwise it will be easy to find.

But when Feng Sujin was about to act, he naturally followed, and he was worried about her safety.

Feng Sujin actually determined that this was Jun Mohan, and she had a firm heart. She also raised her heart. She had many questions to ask Jun Mohan.

But she knew it was not the right time.

"What's in it, it's going to smell bloody?"

Listening to Feng Sujin's question, Jun Mohan looked at the front, and a faint red light flashed under his eyes.


Feng Sujin's head was full of questions, "Go in and see?"

"Don't go. It's dangerous. If you want to come, check it out during the day."

"Well, but where is the mother?"

"Leave here first."


Just as Feng Sujin's words fell, she felt as if there was a suction inside, like swallowing her like a tornado.

The blood on her body boiled quickly, trying to **** her like a magnet.

Jun Mohan also felt this strange.

He held Feng Sujin in one hand and pressed her in his arms. He turned around and blocked Feng Sujin.

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