Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Miao Shenxu's eyes shot a strong killing intention. She camouflaged in the Residual Blood House for so long, but finally found the enemy.

This is the man who lied to her to take Miao Dujiao to teach her to be her sister.

She stole a lot of things in Miao Du's teachings, and then killed her parents and took the treasure to escape.

How can she forget such hatred.

Miao Shenxu stared deadly, her throat was congested.

She wished she could step forward.

But she knew she needed to stay sane.

This woman is obviously not the same woman as before.

And there seemed to be experts around her.

Right now Feng Sujin has to go to the forbidden area to save people, she wants to calm down her emotions.

But Miao Shenxu turned back and sent the signal, ready to mobilize the Miao drug educators.

But they also need some time to get over.

I don't know if this time is too late.


Inside the forbidden area

Feng Sujin, Jun Mohan and the northern landlord kept walking inward.

In fact, the landlord of the North also discovered some secrets early in the morning. In order not to be discovered by that landlord, he even pretended to be stupid.

The night was deep, and Jun Mohan put Feng Sujin on a jade to ward off evil.

Then Jun Mohan bit his finger and broke blood on the jade, which led Feng Sujin to walk in.

Feng Sujin can feel that the evil spirit and jade that Jun Mohan gave her works very well. After coming in, she can't feel the suction.

She thought, was Jun Mohan just looking for this these days?

"The bracelet your mother left for you is useful. You feel the traction of it and should find your mother's place."


Feng Sujin felt the traction of strength, and then followed the direction of the north landlord and walked forward.

The landlord can crack the institutions here.

There were really a lot of skeletons along the way, and there were a lot of residual blood stains and **** smells.

But they still went inside.

When I walked inside, I could obviously feel the red light flickering, enchanting and bright, illuminating the entire stone wall.

On a high platform similar to the altar, a pillar was placed, bright red and bright, and the light emitted from it.

And it was still sucking blood.

Feng Sujin looked at Jun Mohan and said, "What about this thing?"

The landlord's face changed greatly. "This thing can't be moved. Every movement will turn on all the organs, and they are the most weird organ formation. There are also runes. I don't know where the landlord got these things."

As they spoke, there seemed to be a sound of iron chains not far away.

Feng Sujin shivered and looked at Jun Mohan. They quickly avoided all dangers and came to a stone gate.

There are nine stone gates in front of me. I don't know which one to open.

Feng Sujin was anxious.

Jun Mohan calmed her emotions, "Judge according to the strength of the bracelet."

Feng Sujin closed her eyes, felt the gravity on the bracelet, and then pointed at the door.

Jun Mohan quickly opened without hesitation, and then really saw a person inside, a person locked by an iron chain.

The weightlessness looks like a shawl, and it seems to have suffered a lot of punishment.

Even so, Feng Sujin judged well, "Mother ... Mother ..."

When the woman saw Feng Sujin, she smiled, "Jiner has grown up."

When the woman made these sounds, she was hoarse, as if she had not spoken for a long time, and suddenly husky.

Feng Sujin looked at her mother like this, covering her mouth and couldn't help crying.

Jun Mohan held Feng Sujin's hand and said, "Calm, it is important to save people first."

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