Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Shen Huaizhao, as the youngest lady in Shenjiazhuang, grew up in Shenjiazhuang from an early age and knew the power of demons very well.

Swallowing blood is not an ordinary bead, but an ancient treasure.

Mr. Jun can control the power of ancient treasures, obviously is not ordinary people.

And in the Black Devil Forest, all the way through, we avoided the danger, also because Mr. Jun has the ability to foresight!

Otherwise, they may not be able to walk to the ancient country so quickly and so safely.

Then the entrance of the ancient country, Mr. Jun knows ...

And those three people were killed.

According to analysis, Shen Huaiqiao speculated that Mr. Jun left because of something, not because it was dangerous.

No one can hurt him with a capable person like Mr. Jun!

Qiao Liuhua nodded while listening to Shen Huaiqiao's words.

Indeed, Mr. Jun should be a very powerful person and nothing will happen.

But Feng Sujin cried like this, they really didn't know what happened.

In their impression, Feng Sujin has always been a very strong and stern person.

At that time, she was so domineering, they followed her with a feeling of blood boiling.

They even felt that Feng Sujin had the power to stand on the ground.

They have never seen Feng Sujin so vulnerable.

So when Feng Sujin was like this, they were very worried, but didn't know what to say.

They were afraid that saying wrong would stimulate Feng Sujin.

Qiao Liuhua hesitated, or stepped forward and asked, "Su Jin, don't cry, what happened?"

"Su Jin ... Su Jin ..."


Feng Sujin was originally immersed in her own emotions. At that moment, she was a little bit awkward and could not hear any sound.

When Su Jin's words rang continuously in her ears, she was gradually heard by Feng Su Jin.

Then she turned slowly and stiffly, her eyes red and swollen looking at Qiao Liuhua and Shen Huaiqiao in front of her.

Feng Sujin's eyes were blurred, "Flowing painting, Huai Qiao?"

Feng Sujin seemed to be trapped in the magic barrier, and she would forget the time and place, and suddenly she saw Qiao Liuhua and Shen Huaiqiao, and she seemed to be back to life.

She was just about to suffocate in despair in that painful mood.

She shouldn't be like this.

She thought of Jun Mohan's words, she gritted her teeth and told her to be strong and calm.

"Su Jin, you're scary just now. What's wrong with you?"

Feng Sujin looked at the surrounding black demon forest. "I am uncomfortable myself, and maybe I have been affected by some demons."

Feng Sujin tried to close her eyes and control her emotions.

The heart is still hurting, but she wants to control it.

Only when you control your emotions and become stronger quickly can you enter the second-tier realm and reunite with her husband.

Holding a hint of hope, Feng Sujin tried to breathe deeply and let her strength return.

Because of long kneeling on the ground, Feng Sujin was stiffened and her legs were numb. When she stood up, her legs were soft.

Fortunately, Qiao Liuhua and Shen Huaiqiao quickly helped her.

Feng Sujin wiped away her tears, and she looked at the sky and said, "Jun Mohan has temporarily left, and my emotions have collapsed. Now the three of us entered the palace of the ancient country to find things. We must enter before dawn, otherwise, dawn , The entrance is closed. "

Qiao Liuhua and Shen Huaiqiao have no doubt about Feng Sujin's words, and they are habitually obedient. This is still the habit that they have developed in the Residual Blood Building.

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