Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Listening to Feng Sujin's words of comfort, Qiao Liu nodded.

Anyway, she would still go back to the ghost clan to take a look and take Hai Lingzhu to the ghost clan's mysterious mirror.

Shen Huaiqiao turned to look at the murals on both sides, also touching with gloves.

"Huai Qiao, what are you going to do?"

"I also want to see if there are any treasures to come out."

Feng Sujin listened to Shen Huaiqiao's words and smiled helplessly.

She found that Shen Huaiqiao was sometimes particularly clever, and sometimes a little chord.

Maybe it's because she rarely touches society.

Shen Huaiqiao grew up in Shenjiazhuang all the time. Later, Shenjiazhuang was destroyed and she went to Canxuelou.

It can be said that some people are sociable, she is not very understanding, and her heart is very simple.

In fact, the light and shadow that Jun Mohan gave to Feng Sujin is the road map of the ancient country site, but he did not say that these murals have other things.

So this time, Feng Sujinjue still hastened her time, if she can leave here earlier, she can leave here earlier.

When nothing was found, the three of them continued to move forward.

Feng Sujin walked, feeling hot in her stomach, as if something was pulling her towards somewhere in the ancient country.

As if there was something there.

Feng Sujin wanted to go the next way, but found that she did not know what was going on, and walked around or in the direction of traction. She thought it was strange, but thinking, let ’s go in the direction of traction, or else it ’s really strange.

Qiao Liuhua and Shen Huaiqiao followed Feng Sujin around without any doubt.

In their eyes, Feng Sujin was on the right line.

Feng Sujin's look at Qiao Liuhua and Shen Huaiqiao, her unreserved trusting look, made her feel like crying without tears. She really didn't know what happened to her now.

However, she did not know how to explain to Qiao Liuhua and Shen Huaiqiao. She felt that the next thing to find was that she wanted to use her. In fact, Qiao Liuhua and Shen Huaiqiao had nothing to find. They were the same It might be safer to go back.

She wanted to make it clear to her that she didn't want to put them at risk. "I don't know if it's right or wrong ..."

Before Feng Sujin finished, Qiao Liuhua hurriedly said, "We follow you, right or wrong, we are sisters."

Shen Huaiqiao also nodded and said, "Well, I've come here to see a lot, you can't ignore us."

Their trust made Feng Sujin warm.

Feng Sujin very cautiously took Qiao Liuhua and Shen Huaiqiao to the direction of traction.

Then they came to a place, there was no passage in front, there was only one wall, and in front of the wall was a lamp holder.

There is also an ancient cup next to it. I don't know whether it is water or wine.

Feng Sujin studied it and did not see any organs.

Feng Sujin sighed and couldn't return to the same way!

Feng Sujin is definitely not half-way, she must find those things so that she can become stronger and can also be used to deal with the Feng family.

Now, the person who gave her strength was Jun Mohan.

For her husband, for her reunion soon, and for her mother, she has to work hard.

At this moment, Feng Sujin's mind suddenly flashed a thought.

She did as the thought flashed in her head, cutting her hands and bleeding into the cup.

Feng Sujin was completely unhearted, and both Qiao Liuhua and Shen Huaiqiao were shocked.

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