Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Qiao Liuhua and Shen Huaiqiao widened their eyes, looked at Feng Sujin in amazement, and watched her take out so many rigorous things like Taobao.

It's ... it's going to startle their eyes.

If they use all their brain cells, they may not be able to find these things.

The key is that the hidden is so deep, and the institutions are so complicated, but Feng Sujin is like the master here, without having to think at all, you know what is where.

Feng Sujin put a lot of things on the ground, a bunch of things.

She said to Qiao Liuhua and Shen Huaiqiao: "Come here and see what you need to bring back."

Feng Sujin's tone is exactly like this is a pile of debris.

However, both Qiao Liuhua and Shen Huaiqiao were stiffened, as if they would not move, and their chins would fall off.

After Feng Sujin didn't see the two people moving, she turned to look at them, and saw the eyes of those two people showing a terrifying light.

"what happened?"

"No ... nothing ..."

They were just too shocked.

Sure enough, their boss is strong, the key is their sister, they feel they have made it.

Such strong and stubborn worship sisters, they are so proud.

Qiao Liuhua and Shen Huaiqiao walked over, both still looking dizzy, feeling the same as dreaming.

"Wow, this is something in our genealogy of Shenjiazhuang. This thing is what we have always wanted to use in Shenjiazhuang. It is in the same vein as our Shenjiazhuang. I can use this to enhance my strength. My formerly used force can be repaired ..."

"This, the perfect hiding method, this has something to do with our ghost clan."

Neither Qiao Liuhua nor Shen Huaiqiao were greedy. After they found something suitable for their family, they didn't look for anything.

Some things have little effect on them, but holding them may not be good for them.

They are not greedy, just find the right thing.

Feng Sujin took the file mentioned by her mother. There were two other things, and the rest were all put back by Feng Sujin.

When she was going to leave with Qiao Liuhua and Shen Huaiqiao, she thought of taking these things and still wanted to show something.

Feng Sujin walked to the altar, and then prepared to kneel down and bow to the creation god.

But when she was about to kneel, her legs seemed to be stiff and she couldn't get down.

As if she was not allowed to kneel.

Qiao Liuhua and Shen Huaiqiao learn to wind Su Jin and go to kneel, but they knelt down without any sense of disharmony.

Feng Sujin wanted to bend her legs, but she couldn't bend at all.

She could only clasp her hands together and said, "The creation god, little girl Feng Sujin, has no intention of disturbing. If you have any disturbance, please forgive me. I really need these things and borrow them temporarily ...

Feng Sujin said. When she finished, a gust of wind suddenly came from the air, and Feng Sujin couldn't open her eyes.

Then she felt like she was being swept away by the power of a tornado.

Feng Sujin stumbled as if falling asleep.

After falling asleep, she seemed to hear a voice and kept calling her, "Mom, Mom ..."

Feng Sujin wanted to open her eyes, but she couldn't open them, but in the blank white mist, she saw a very cute and white baby doll, and when she smiled, she could sprout the heart.

Feng Sujin has never seen such a beautiful little doll, which is more beautiful than in the New Year paintings.

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