Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sujin looked at it and walked over there to check it out.

The old woman looked at Feng Sujin's line of sight and explained, "Child, that is the sea **** we believe in in the sea village, and will bless us."

"Poseidon? Couldn't it be the sea tribe?"

The old woman shook her head. "I don't know what sea tribe, only I know that there is a legend in our village, saying that this is a sea god. Sometimes when encountering a shipwreck, when something happens, sea **** will appear to protect us. This is a long time ago. The stele has been portraited, and I do n’t know how long it has been, but every time it ’s not clear, people will redraw it, remember him, and then we will worship each year and hold a worship service. "

Feng Sujin froze. According to the ancient murals that were obliterated, people were greedy and later killed the Hai people.

But in this small place, there are villagers who have always remembered the Hai people. Although they do not understand anything, they are simple and kind, and they remain grateful.

"Grandma, you don't know if Poseidon exists, would you like to worship like this?"

"What the older generation said, the older generation also listened to the older generation. Although we don't know if it is true or not, it may be true. We must not forget the original and the grateful heart. "

Feng Sujin listened to the old lady's words, in fact, there was a big touch in her heart.

It feels like my heart has been purified after staying here for so many days.

Feng Sujin can feel that the cold and suffocation on her body is much less.

Feng Sujin's mind suddenly had an idea. If the king of the sea group is still alive, knowing that there are still human beings with a pure heart, will they heal their hearts?

But this was just a sudden flash of thought in Feng Sujin's mind, and she just sighed.

Because she thought that the Hai people might really not exist.

As soon as Feng Sujin and the old woman continued to stroll, a little boy came up not far away, panting.

"Xiaohai, why did you come here?"

"Grandma Zhou, the bandits are here, saying that let all our villagers gather and hurry up and get everything ready."

The old woman's face changed. "Why is it so early this year? Isn't it a long time in previous years? There are so many things that everyone can't get together now."

The old woman said, anxiously, she would tremble and walk towards the village.

She took a few steps, thinking of Feng Sujin, and then turned her head to look at Feng Sujin and said, "Child, don't be afraid, you just hide on this mountain and wait for those bandits to go away."

Feng Sujin looked at the old woman's sloppy body, and looked worried under her eyes. Her heart was very warm, and her heart was sore at the same time.

She could feel that those bandits were not good people.

"Grandma, I'll take a look with you."

"No, it's too dangerous. Those people are worse than bandits."

"Sister Feng, they are terrible. They can't get anything and they will kill people. Don't go."

Feng Sujin touched Xiaohai's head. "I followed, and looked in the dark. Don't worry about me, I'm not afraid."

The old woman insisted not to let Feng Sujin go.

But Feng Sujin quietly followed.

She just heard the old woman say that these bandits are some people who plunder things in various island villages.

The people in Haicun are very simple, they are very hardworking, whether they are farming, fishing or other skills, they can live well.

But every year this group of bandits will come to search, so the villagers here live very tightly.

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