Biquge, the fastest update of the empire's first favorite: the latest chapter of the 100 styles of Jun Shao wife!

Feng Sufei can't be calm at this moment. It seems that many things are meant to be, and it seems that this bracelet is really hers.

Feng Sufei looked at her, "Mother, what about the name on it?"

"It's already there, so I named you Feng Sufei, and your sister is Feng Sujin."

The first name is Su Jin, and the other is Su Fei, but Nong Ruolan added a surname to them.

Feng Sufei is actually quite shocking.

But she thought about her life, her identity, and the integration of the soul, and she felt that it was not strange.

No matter what wonderful things she can accept.

Nong Ruolan seemed to be thinking, saying, "Mayfair, are you curious, why do I know that you were just incomplete at that time?"

Feng Sufei shook her head, she didn't understand, even when she was Dongfangyan, she didn't understand.

Nong Ruolan said with emotion: "In fact, when you were a kid, your grandmother visited once, that is, the grandmother of your current status, Queen Kangzhu of country h.

Feng Sufei shook her body, "Grandma?"

Her grandmother has been to the Empire, has she been to Beiquan City?

Have you seen her?

Feng Sufei heard the news, her heart was beating constantly, and her blood was rushing to her head.

As Dongfangyan, she never knew her grandmother had left country h.

Does that mean that grandma knows everything and knows that the souls of Dongfangyan and Feng Sufei will merge?

Feng Sufei felt shocked and shocked.

Her heart could not digest the news for a long time.

So does Grandma also know that she will die as Dongfangyan.

Feng Sufei would digest the news, and there was a sense of suffocation in her heart, she felt incredible.

Did grandma know then?

She doesn't understand anything.

Nong Ruolan gently touched Feng Sufei's hair. "Feier, in fact, your grandmother loves you too. She has seen you, but just from a distance, did not let you see her, so you do n’t know But it is also her arrival, I'm sure that one day you will return to normal, and she will be silent when she comes, and no one will know when she leaves. "

After a pause, Nong Ruolan said: "Your grandmother is actually very powerful. She also worked hard for you. Your grandmother should know the royal family secrets of country h from the beginning, and her soul will not die."

Feng Sufei's eyes were a little confused.

When she was Dongfangyan, no wonder her grandmother let her act low-key at first, also to protect her second life.

It is also for her to see the whole situation of country h, and she will not break it. Only after she sees everything and she returns, can she make country h better!

Grandma has been thinking about Nan Rong Huai An in front of her, saying that Nan Rong Huai'an is good, but it is actually instilling a kind of thought into her!

Also, when grandma was alive, she called Nanrong Huaian into the palace and gave Nanrong Huaian tokens, also for Nanrong Huaian to use in the future!

It also allows her to know that the message that her grandmother left to her.

Grandma ... She really works hard.

Feng Sufei misses her grandmother Dongfangzhu very much, but she never sees her again.

She can only remember the memories.

"Mother, I think of it. My grandmother used to tell me that I would be strong and live well no matter what I encountered. She also often said a word, that is to be born again.

Nong Ruolan nodded gently, "Well, so Phil is now a new rebirth."

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